Thursday, October 09, 2008

Is this REALLY the best we can do???

While I agree that this is a VERY important election (we're mired down in a seemingly endless war, there's unrest world-wide, and oh by the way...the economy???) and I'm firm in regards to which candidate I'll support...I have to ask; is this REALLY the best we have???? These two? Really?
My mother, a life long conservative, called me this morning and ASKED ME WHO SHE SHOULD VOTE FOR! Yes, Ma is getting a older, but her wits are all there. She's really bamboozled on this one, and referred to the candidate of her party of choice as "a clown". As for my own choice, during the primaries he was a DISTANT third on my list. Not much to get excited about, I'm afraid.
The best that both these men can be accused of is "poor judgement". Where do I start? How bout with VP selection. In this corner, Senator Obama- agent of CHANGE. Gonna take the country by storm- no more "business as usual" in Washington. So who's my VP choice? Do I break further new ground by going with the woman who ran a hard fought campaign against me and can bring her 18 million supporters to the table?? Nope- say hello to Smokin Joe Biden- WASHINGTON INSIDER and CAREER POLITICIAN!!! So much for "change"...

AND in THIS corner- John McCain selects...Romney? Jindel? Huckabee? Hell, even Rudy G????
Nope- Gosh darnitt I'm gonna select the Gov of Alaska- a woman who barely sees eye to eye with me on anything, is embroiled in a NUMBER of political and personal scandals, and - oh by the way...doesn't appear to be very SMART!!! (Oh well, worked for W all these years, right?)

Hooooo boy! It's enough to make one want to vote for Ralph Nader again...almost.

What say you?