So I'm watching the CNN/ You tube debates last night (you know, where the Dems were lined up and answered questions sent by you-tubers, whilst Anderson Cooper moderated) and damned if halfway through I don;t see a question from THESE bozos! "Jackie Broyle" and "Dunlap" (l to r) who asked basically was all the talk about Al Gore getting in the race "hurtin their feelings?" I damn near soiled myself, cause you see "Jackie" and "Dunlap" are actually Travis and Jonathon, two very old friends of mine from HS and undergrad. The whole auditorium cracked up, except Joe Biden, who I THINK thought they were serious! AND they namechecked my old hood "Murfreesboro, TN"! Glad to see some old homies making the national scene...it does my heart proud, Both these gentlemen are actually grade A actors, and I've been involved in many a show with them. Actually, in an ironic twist, they BOTH played the role of Cole in KEELY AND DU, with a Davis rother in the directing chair (Travis for me at MTSU, and Jonathon for my bro Jerry in Cape Cod). Up until a few weeks ago, I didn't even know these fools knew each other, much less had an
act". Check out their website for some really funny shite! (Some of you will especially love the "Ray Stevens/Rick Rubin mockumentary!) http://www.travisandjonathan.com/
act". Check out their website for some really funny shite! (Some of you will especially love the "Ray Stevens/Rick Rubin mockumentary!) http://www.travisandjonathan.com/
So good on ya, Travis and Jonathon...you've made our little hamlet in the boro proud! And if you guys wind up with an HBO show in a few years I WANT A PART!!!!!!!!!