History was indeed made the other night, as we elected the first African American to the White house. A historic moment indeed, and one that I must admit made me feel proud to be American. In the midst of all the many troubles we're encountering as a nation, to see such a man who came from humble beginnings make it to the highest office in the land is indeed an inspiration. It makes one think that perhaps those things my folks told me as a child are true, and that anything IS possible after all.
I'll admit that Obama wasn't my first choice, and that I've been critical of some of his positions (personally and politically) but he got my vote, and he now has my full support. I really hope (there's that word again!) that we can rally as a country and put some of our bitterness on hold. We need to regain the spirit of unity and togetherness, that unfortunately only seems to come when we're in peril. Perhaps instead of a crisis, a positive moment might inspire that unity, and we can again remember that despite our differences, we're in this thing together.
Wow- I actually feel patriotic...go figure!
So here's to President Obama and his family. May they bask in the glow of his exciting victory, and truly enjoy the moment.
THEN- get to work and deliver on all that promise that we see in you!
Any thoughts?
ps- On a much lighter note, if you get the chance come out and see DANCING WITH DANI this weekend at the DAC. It's been a tremendously long, hard tech week and we're all ready for a good, energetic theatre crowd! Also, check out this weeks ACE for a tremendously written article on yours truly and the show. Thanks Kim!!!