Ok...it's official. I have the coolest little boy ever! The other day the wife was asking the Wolverine why he was talking in such a low voice (which he's noticeably been doing for the last few weeks) and he answered "I'm trying to sound like Johnny". "Johnny who?" the wife asked. You guessed it...JOHNNY CASH! If I do NOTHING else as a parent, I have at least imparted to my son a love for the coolest man to ever walk the face of the Earth.
So, in other news...it's been a long time since my last post, as you may have surmised. Truthfully, I've been in a bit of a funk. Whatever the male equivalent of post partum depression is, I got it. Don't get me wrong, the little one is very sweet (and a really good baby- no huge all night crying jags! THANK you Jesus!) but I've just been feeling...like crap, for lack of a better way of putting it. Part of it is the extreme sleep deprivation that is endemic with new parenthood, part of it is job stress (Budget cuts and the like...Gee, THANKS Mr. new Democratic governor!!!), part of is feeling overworked and under appreciated, and part of is just this shitty weather we've been having of late. (Could it BE any more gloomy???) But, as I usually do, I'll get over it. The sun is starting to peek out every now and again, and hey...I'm going to see the BOSS this weekend! There, see what I did? I just cheered myself up!
BTW- the little girl's name was inadvertently misspelled last time. The wife wanted to spell it "Vivienne" instead of the more traditional spelling. I thought about arguing, but hey...I ain't the one who had to push her into the world, so my better half wins that battle. She is a beautiful little girl, and I hope those of you in the area get to see her soon. You will swoon at her beauty! ...or ELSE!!!!
No real question this time...just post and let me know how you're doing and what YOU'RE up to right now.
Tim, you're not the only one. I've been hibernating most of the winter since HAMLET...and I don't have the excuse of a new baby. Except for having a little lingering crud the last couple weeks, I have no excuse. My days and nights are utterly turned around, because I've been staying up till four or five every night doing a mess of reading, partly exacerbated by Mr. St. Peter, bringing me back several requested tomes and a few surprises from London with him. Just finished Richard Eyre's diaries of his days at the Royal National. Thank God, Moonlight and Magnolias rehearsals are starting up and I'll have something to do to get me back in harness and energized again.
A funny theatre story from Eyre's book to help the gloomy doldrums:
Paul Scofield gets in a train. MAN: "Aren't you Paul Scofield?" Paul (reluctantly): "Yes..." MAN: "I'm a bit of an actor myself." PAUL: "Oh, really?" MAN: "Yes." PAUSE. MAN: "Why do we do it, Paul?"
Another way to beat the doldrums. Come see AGL's excellent "ARCADIA".
Yep. I plan on it...this weekend, hopefully.
Looking forward to MOONLIGHT as well. Can't wait to see you and my buddy Eric J on stage together.
I too have been in quite the funk and I seem to still be in it...I need Spring desperately...thankfully February was just a blur, I spent 5 days in Alaksa, came back, left almost immediately, then spent 8 1/2 days in London, came back and left immediately to spend 2 days in New Orleans. Two job interviews and a teaching gig and I flew about 20,000 miles...I hereby hate airplanes and airports!! After all of that travel, Lara and I have decided we want to stay in Lexington for at least 3 more years (take that haters!!) because we really do love it here...getting to hang with folks like the Davis family was one of the deciding factors, my board is happy with the direction the theatre is going in, we have had a decent season etc so why not stay? But by the same token, we still are struggling with money issues, space issues, staff issues and all the other issues it seems you will always be dealing with no matter how large the theatre. I interviewed at Perseverance Theatre in Alaska, twice the budget, same problems...I interviewed at Southern Rep in New Orleans...bigger budget, same problems...I guess it is true that the grass ain't always greener so I will take the blue grass.
Now, the good news: Ave Lawyer's production of Arcadia is radiant. It is beautiful and smart and funny and sad and everything I hope AGL can be.
Adam Luckey and I have been invited to do Hamlet at the Temple Theatre in Sanford, NC next season (right near Raleigh...), which is a first for me, getting to remount a production at another theatre...I am geeked and I am glad Adam gets another chance to play the part since he was so damn good the first time.
I am currently directing 2 plays: Weak/Side/Help at UK, a new play, it is fun to have the playwright in the room...and Moonlight and Magnolias at AGL with Messers Pogue, Johnson and Walter May, who has been away from AGL for too long and stepped in when Roger Leasor had to unfortunately withdraw from the production and it also features the devastatingly talented Laura Blake...one of my favorites.
Finally, my boy is going to be 3(!) on Friday...it seems like yesterday when I was in tech for Checking In and I got the call from Lara that she was in labor. I looked at my boy Koehler and said, "You're in charge!!"
Looking at Aidan reminds me of how good Lexington has been to me and my family and I am glad we are going to be staying for at least a few more years. Moonlight and Magnolias will be the 30th play I have produced at AGL...time flies!!
Rick St. Peter
Fletch here. Just livin' that grad school dream. ahem.
My mother says there is something in the water on this end of the state. Everyone I encounter around here has had one illness or another, resulting all manners of nastiness spewing from every orifice. Figures, our nation is found to have all kinds of pharmaceuticals in the water. California has anti-depressants. We get Ex-Lax and Ipecac.
Join me on the beach? I've had "Changes in Latitudes, Changes in Attitudes" in my head all day.
Screw this joint. "I wanna go where it's warm!" (I know, Mac, that's "Boat Drinks".)
Thanks, Mikey. for one brief, shining moment I was right there with ya!
(Sigh) If only...what I wouldn;t give for a little sea air right now.
BTW- are we on for this friday?
Close MISERY on Friday evening. Open THE FOREIGNER on Saturday afternoon and do fourteen shows in six days. Things are a little nuts for the next few weeks.
Ave is wonderful, I have been directed by her many times, one of which was Hamlet, the second time I played Gertrude...and I am sorry to learn Roger isn't going to be in the show Rick, although Walter is a great guy and a wonderful actor..as of most recent, I have been a week into recovery from surgery and today, I pick up 2 puppies that my Golden Retriever sired..it is a puppy Easter for me...
Hey X and All,
Luckily, I have avoided both disease and doldrums, but have managed to crack my patella while working at Transy (my new part-time job, designing costumes for the theatre dept.), so I am limping around in real life and on stage in Ladies at The Alamo. Rehearsals were a ton of fun (thanks to Miss Tonda and Mr. Mikey), and I have to say that we're having a hoot now that we're open. BTW, tix are half-price tomorrow, Easter Sunday, for the 2:30 matinee at The Carriage House..y'all come. We close April 6.
AND I have managed to lose my wedding/engagement ring with a diamond that belonged to my Grandma. Am bummed about that, for sure. Perhaps St. Anthony will come thru with a miracle, not that I believe in such things.
Y'all take care, and try one of those anti-SAAD lamps, maybe.
Once upon a time, in another life, I lost my wedding band. I took it off to do a show and had it in my jeans pocket. When I returned home late that night, I pulled my house key from my pocket on the way up the walk to the door. I did not notice until the next morning that my wedding band was gone. I scoured the house, the dressing room, the car, the yard, etc. Just when I had given it up as a sign of the impending doom that marriage faced, the most unlikely thing happened. I was mowing the lawn and begin to trim the driveway edge. There, tucked way down next to a grass-crowded cross-tie, I saw a glimmer. Yep, the ring.
Within a year we were divorced. But, I gave her back the ring.
Make what you will of it.
Hey, Tim give us favourites or top ten list or something fun. Ever since St. Peter & I took the pledge to back off from the keyboard and stopped raising hackles and elicited venom on other posting sites (albeit always in innocence, pure innocence) I'm bored.
Your post gives me hope, sort of.
I'll mow and trim and see what happens. So far St. Anthony has been no friggin' help.
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