(Springsteen, Federeci, Bittan in Danny's last performance)
From backstreets.com
DANNY FEDERICI, 1950 - 2008
Danny Federici, the E Street Band's organist and keyboard player since its inception, died this afternoon, April 17, 2008 at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York City after a three-year battle with melanoma.
The Federici family and the E Street family request that, in lieu of flowers, donations be made to the Danny Federici Melanoma Fund; more details on the Fund will be forthcoming.
The Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band concerts scheduled for Friday in Ft. Lauderdale and Saturday in Orlando are being postponed. Replacement dates will be announced shortly.
We extend our deepest sympathies to Danny's family, friends, bandmates, and blood brothers; we here at Backstreets, and surely all those fans touched by his spirit, mourn with you.
The Federici family and the E Street family request that, in lieu of flowers, donations be made to the Danny Federici Melanoma Fund; more details on the Fund will be forthcoming.
The Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band concerts scheduled for Friday in Ft. Lauderdale and Saturday in Orlando are being postponed. Replacement dates will be announced shortly.
We extend our deepest sympathies to Danny's family, friends, bandmates, and blood brothers; we here at Backstreets, and surely all those fans touched by his spirit, mourn with you.
God Speed, Danny. We'll miss you...
I know this one is close to home for you, X. Rock In Peace, DF.
"I know a pretty little place in Southern California down San Diego way.
There's a little cafe where they play guitars all night and day.
You can hear them in the back room strummin'.
So hold tight baby 'cause don't you know daddy's comin'."
Maybe change that last line to "Danny's comin?"
Thanks, Mikey!
RIP Danny...Bruce and the E Street Band were a major soundtrack for my high school and college years, but I didn't know much about the members of the band. From what I've read the past couple of days, Danny strikes me as the ultimate Sideman. And so much more, of course...
I was shocked when I heard this news on the radio yesterday. I hadn't realized he'd been ill for some time. What a loss for music. RIP.
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I never knew much about the band until i married a man who lived his life accompanied by an E Street soundtrack. Through him ive learned to appreciate the music. It isnt everyday that an organ/piano/accordian player is in a rock band....ive always loved that.
Im glad he drug me to see a show several years ago in New Orleans. It was cool getting to see them all together...the E Street Band. Quite a cast of characters. Quite an experience.
sorry for your loss Tim.
Sorry for your loss Tim.
Calling D$- Are you going to the MTSU theatre reunion in May????
Do you know the dates for that thing? I don't know if I will make it. I'm working on a short play festival here in Rock
Hill and then our Maymester offering Create Carolina. I will be working on a staged reading of a new play by David Rambo (he writes for CSI) God's Man in Texas.
So, my May and early June are pretty booked. I might be able to do it if it times out right.
I'm assuming you'll be there? It would be a real blast to see the folks form the house of babes etc.
Yeah all three babe are supposed to be there! Yazoo!!!
It's the 16th and 17th of May (a Friday and Sat.) It'd be cool if you could make it...I could use another Golden Eagle in da house!!!!
btw- I almost misread your post. I thought you said you were working on a staged reading of RAMBO at first!!! MAN - that's a show I'D sign on for!!!!!!!!! Talk about your stage combat pieces!
Tim, just to let you know, I am leaving one of those nights open in May. You pick.
Right on, dude!
I hope we can make it...dinero is a bit scarce right now, but we're gonna do our darndest!
It looks like I'm not going to be able to make it. The performances for this short play festival are those same dates. Yeah, a staged reading of Rambo "the musical", that would be awesome.
No crap about the money. As a GTA, my gravy train is parked for the summer. Back to slinging pizzas for a couple of months! I'm an adult now...
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