(at left- Tony and Gina from AGL/EQUUS RUN'S MERRY WIVES)
So we're coming up on the final weekend of our run of MERRY WIVES. Last weekend's performances were tight, fun and very satisfying. We had very strong, receptive crowds, but more folks need to get out and see this show! I know most of our theatre locals are busy with other material, but we really need to support each other. So spread the word and haul your arses out to the vineyards and enjoy a helluva good show!
It's been a blast doing this piece. I'll post a little post-mortem after we're all done. For now, here's the query:
What is the Shakespeare role you've been dying to play (or the show you really have been dying to DIRECT) that you haven't "gotten around to"?
Lemme hear ya!!!
X, Shakespearean dream roles are:
1) Richard III
2) Richard II
3) Iago
4) Benedick
5) Coriolanus
6) MacBeth
7) Angelo in Measure for Measure
I add my voice to X's imploring all to go see MMW at Equus. Central Kentucky has never had Shakespeare like this. To quote Candace Chaney's review:"...vision that emphasizes quality over quantity, substance over spectacle, and an attitude of let's get our hands dirty and deeply engage the material."
Thanks, Chuck!
My own would be the following:
1) Benedick
2) Hal in Henry V
3) Lear
4) Hamlet
5) Malvolio
As a director, I'd love to direct:
1) Much Ado
2) Hamlet
3) Henry V
MMW, Merry Mives of Windsor? Pogue's dyslexia strikes again. Should be MWW.
Ooooh, Malvolio! That's one I wouldn't mind have a crack at either. Oberon too.
I have been in the Tempest twice. both times I desperately wanted to play Caliban, alas I was cast as Antonio (Which I really enjoyed) and once as Alonzo (which was o.k.)
Dream Roles
1. Iago
2. Bottom
3. Benedick
4. Sir Toby
5. Hotspur
6. Brutus
7. Edgar
8. Edmund
1. The Tempest
2. MacBeth
3. Much Ado...
1. The Winter's Tale
2. Richard II
3. Richard III
4. Pericles
5. Merchant of Venice
See ya out there this Saturday...lookin forward to it!
roles: Richard, MacBeth, Iago, MacDuff, Malvolio (wouldn't of thought of it myself, Tim, but yeah great role)
Thanks, Bob. See you there...if the rain don't get us!!!! (and , as per a previous post, perhaps even if it does!)
No rain! Think positive thoughts, Timmy!
Where da ladies at???
1. Beatrice (oh, X, we should....we really should!!!)
3.The Scottish Queen (loved it once, wanna try it older)
6. Titania (loved it once, wanna try it older)
Next year @ BCTC for my Fall production? I'll bring in a Director and you and me can make it happen!
There's the offer, right there!
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