Thursday, January 18, 2007

"I will begin again..."

So, a belated Happy New Year to all!!!! 2007 is here (can you believe it?) and we're already off to a flying start. There are some really cool things happening in the area:

Tonight (Thursday the 18th) at AGL- a conversation with Director Benny Sato Ambush, starting at 7pm at the Downtown Arts center. This is the first in AGL's AGL's "Conversations with..." series. Admission is free.

Also, opening tonight PRIVATE EYES at Studio Players, here in Lex Vegas. The show runs through Feb 4th, and features frequent CLONES poster Bob Singleton, Allie Darden-Tipton, the lovely Hayley Williams,Mike Van Zant and Marianne Matthews.

January 25th and 26th-Bluegrass Community & Technical College’s theater program will hold an open casting call for its first production of Laddy Sartin’s Blessed Assurance. Auditions will be held on Thursday, January 25, 2007 from 3:00-5:00 p.m. in the Student Center on the Leestown Campus, 164 Opportunity Way, Lexington. A second audition will be held on Friday, January 26, 2007 from 5:00-7:00 p.m. on the Cooper Campus, 470 Cooper Drive, Lexington. (in the auditorium in the OSWALD building)
For more information, contact me, Tim Davis, Theater & Film Program Coordinator at (859) 246-6672.

These auditions are open to the public, as well as any BCTC studnet or faculty member. So come one, come all!!! We are very excited to produce this Kentucky premiere of South Carolina based playwright Laddy Sartin's play AND- Opening night, Laddy himself will be in the audienceto partciipate in a talk back! Show dates aren't until the first week of April, so more later! (I know all youse former USM Divas are familiar with Mr Sartin's name and/or work. Golden Eagles rule!!!!!)

Sooo....the query today is a simple one: What, if any, New Year's resolutions have you mad, and what are the odds that you'll keep em? I would remind all of you, btw, that my wife and I went for an ENTIRE YEAR (2006) without eating ice cream of any kind, which if you know us you know how difficult that must have been!
So chime in, and good luck!!! 2007 points for the EASY reference...


Anonymous said...

WOW! A whole day with no comments! Is anyone out there????

Anonymous said...

Yeah, if that happens it'll be the ARCHIE MANNING bowl- BUT , I'm totally rooting for the SAINTS!!!! Hope they whip tda Bears all over the field this weekend!

Anonymous said...

Hey- DATELINE Lexington:
There's a new SHAKES FEST in town!

Anonymous said...

Tim, thanks for the Private Eyes plug...hmmmm, that sounded a bit's a fun show, funny, lots of twists and turns, very creative in the way the story is told...come and see it if you can!

And congrats on getting the program off the ground! Best of luck with the auditions.

No resolutions this year...


Anonymous said...

Hey Bob,
Call me in my office (or check your eamil and shoot me a reply) when you can. Office number is in the last post.

ReverendEddie said...

New Years Day
U2 off of the "War" album

Anonymous said...

I have made a few resolutions:

TO work out more...I pray to keep this one to keep my butt still looking reasonably like it has for the past few years.

TO keep moving in some sort of forward positive way while living in this shithole of Ft. Myers, FL (oops, the complaint slipped out...I used to be resolved to stop complaining...but it IS a poophole...really...but if you vacation here, it IS lovely)

TO have a baby...(yeah, no luck in the baby making yet..we're still trying) I don't know tho, is that a resolution?

The Drama Mama said...

Happy New Year!

My resolution is to stay healthy during this pregnancy. And keep in shape afterwards!

Have a good one!

Mike said...

Hey Laurie,

Erin and I had talked about a baby sometime down the road. Know when it happened? When we picked names. We had a girl's name picked already and we discussed and quickly agreed on a boy's name. Bam! Baby.

There is another version of this legend. Our son Addison was sitting on Santa's lap before Xmas and told him he wanted "Cars... and a sister." Bam! Baby.

Resolutions: Lose weight. Make a million bucks.

Anonymous said...

"Hey- DATELINE Lexington:
There's a new SHAKES FEST in town!"

Awesome, IMO. AGL is my hero. This step just thrust us forward. Unfortunately, it seems too many want to keep looking behind...I wish people could use their energy to be productive. Anyone ever read Atlas Shrugged? There's a wonderful speech in there that fits the moment.

Tim, congrats on your maiden project at BCTC!


Anonymous said...

Hiya X: Hope that you and the fam had a great Xmas! We need to chat! Resolutions: To watch my sugar intake, to eat slower, to spend more time with my sister, and to continue growing as an artist and human being. :) Congrats to AGL, and to the Private Eyes cast. Can't wait to see it!

bond571 said...

JB, what's the quote?
I think the new venue sounds so wonderful, what a good find...I haven't talked to anyone who is still "looking behind", maybe a little tender-hearted about the "old", which is only to be expected, many people devoted and invested lots of their passion and hard work over the years to the festival but, are completely looking forward and support what is next...I think it may be a good time to embrace this new endeavor and at the same time not compare it to what has been or be critical of what was...just move forward and let everyone come to the table at their own pace...
I am so thrilled AGL has made this new connection and I am sure Equus Run is as well, it will be fun to watch it come together, I certainly know that sensation...

Anonymous said...

Weird, bro!
Holla at me in an email with the details.

Anonymous said...

B, it's not a short quote, it's a long speech by Fransisco. Probably shouldn't discuss it so I'll just drop it...

D, congrats on the possibility of the Winthrop job. Good school. The Eagles, right?


Anonymous said...

Happy New Year to all. I'm still in New Year mode, can't believe Jan. is almost over...but I had 5 days in Hawaii to help pass the time.

Adam, I have Hawaiian cards for you.

My resolution is to be less crabby, smaller & fitter in body, and more generous in spirit.

Anonymous said...

X, didn't know if you had seen the new UK press release, but given your new position with KCTCS I thought it might this part might interest you:

Details about the new initiatives include:

The Trustees Scholars – an initiative designed to increase the number of students transferring to UK from the state's community and technical colleges. The $1.8 million program will offer students who earn associates degrees and 3.5 GPAs the opportunity to transfer to UK and continue to pay Kentucky Community and Technical College System tuition rates for two years. The goal is to increase the number of transfers with associate degrees from 60 to 100 over the next year. Scholarships also will be offered to a limited number of community college students transferring with at least 48 hours of academic credit and 3.3 GPAs. (A fact sheet outlining all the programs is attached).


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Oh come on D...nobody reads THIS blog!

bond571 said...

congrats d$...hope all goes well!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Hey X, I always did love your middle it gets good use!Someone told me "Jerry" uses his great name too(Gerod Malcolm Young).We creative folk were having such a hard time fitting in we let them call us anything they wanted.It's nice that we all seem to find greener pastures where we can paint the sunset any color we want!Love you,Meadow"Missy"

Anonymous said...

Hey Missy!
Thanks for the post!
COme around these parts any old time you like!
And if you didn't notice, I linked to your homepage on the site!
Hope you don't mind...

Anonymous said...


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