So this is what I would be doing right now if I had a spare..Oh, I dunno...ten grand? And a week off in February. I'd have my ass out in LA at the ROCK AND ROLL FANTASY CAMP, where me and all the other middle aged Rock Star wanna Bee's would be up onstage rocking out with PAUL STANLEY (among others!) The deal is, you pay a measly 10 G's , you get assigned to a Rock and Roll Camp counsel er (someone who is, in all honesty, a washed up rock star of yore) , you work up a set with said rock dude, followed by a chance to get onstage with a real heavyweight (last year Roger Daltry- this year Mr. Stanley) and live out all your rock star fantasies. Seriously, dudes...gimme a little more disposable income, some vacation time and I'm THERE!
I'm pretty lucky: When I was in college, I got to sort of live out my rock and roll yearnings by playing guitar and singing with a club band that, all though we weren't top tier, we did pretty well for ourselves. I got to get my jollies out onstage, sew some wild oats, and bide time till I went into my "stable" career choice...THEATRE! But honestly...that time I had with my band from 89-93? Wouldn't trade it for a million bucks...
So here's the question for today: what is something that you've ALWAYS wanted to do, but have never had the where-with-all, time ,money, ability,etc to do?
Rock my world, people!And remember, if it's too loud...
"... you're too old."
Shout It Out Loud- KISS, baby!
This is a good, soul-searching question. I generally believe that anything I want to do that I haven't done is all a matter of "yet". So, what would that include?
I have played live music, but there is that "Ultimate Gig" I have in my head. Live, loud, big crowd, electric.
Write a book. Be on Jeopardy. Smoke hash and go on a vision quest. Work for a political campaign I believe in. Hmmm... all this seems to miss the mark. Gotta think more on this.
Sing in a smokey jazz club.
I always wanted to learn to play the piano. If for no other reason than to be able to play all the sheet music I've collected over the years from the twenties, thirties, forties. Of course, I've always harboured a secret desire to be a swank supper club pianist/singer where I could warble Gershwin,Porter, Rodgers & Hart.
I've also harboured a desire to be Fred Astaire, so I would have liked to have learned to tap dance.
Gatewood is running again. I've read his book and I like what he stands for. Plus, he won't have a problem with the "smoke hash and go on a vision quest" ambition mentioned in the same paragraph above. There is much more to him than that, but I think his openness on that score speaks volumes.
I think in some ways for me the operative word here may be YET. For some reason, I still have some Pollyanna in me that believes I will get to do these things.
Write a children's book. (Already started...)
Open my own business.
Open my own theatre company.
Live somewhere I LOVE.
Have a child...(which by the way has become seriously more complicated than we ever thought)
My real dream/fantasy is to be on broadway...This is a weird statement from me. I really love to sing, but consider myself a mediocre singer at best. Every damn time I hear a great singer, I get goosebumps...and part of me wants to know what that feels like. What's sad is, I don't love to watch musicals....( I do like some of them, tho..it depends) but I love being in them!!!
Rick, if Brian Blessed can climb Everest, you can.
Laurie - love musicals and love being in them. I think you'd do just fine singing. It's such a rush to have a solo and know that you have the audience right under your finger with every do-re-mi you spit out. I also love that about comedy/farce. Ah, boy, I can't wait to get back on stage.
Wait...Rick CAN'T Break Dance?????
Not only did I get to play with intent city, I actually got to live in a tourbus for awhile and meet some of my, and tim's by the way, favorite rockers of the eighties. so, in that regard, I lived the dream. My next gig- medieval studies prof. Do you see the microphones in the air? Do you see them?
I just finished Blessed's book The Turquoise Mountain last night. Fun read.
Blessed stopped at 25,400 feet. He had 3,628 feet left to go. And up there, that might as well have been 100 miles. Me, I'd be happy to make it to Everest Base Camp.
I'd like to be a cartoon voice actor.
Take a round the world cruise.
Orbit the earth.
Swim the English Channel.
Okay, so the word is Van Halen may or may not tour??
Probably won't...
Andrew, the Aussie fellow that runs the MELODICROCK site, told me that it has "something" to do with Eddie...I think he's not in too great of physical or mental shape. (possibly hittin the bottle too hard again?) Sooo...looks like the tour is "postponed" for now.
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