So, I'm kinda bummed...normally, as my loyal readers know, I don't bring my personal stuff with me to blogland, but today was a particularly craptastic day. And it's all esoteric stuff- nothing I can particularly touch. But it's there nonetheless.
It all started this morning with GOOD MORNING AMERICA and a story I saw about something called GRUPSTERS. Ever heard this term? Not me..till today. Among other things, these lovely folks are the "new breed" of parent who have decided to keep their hipster identities (you know the type...wearing clothes that they really have no business wearing at their age, and name dropping bands like "The Arcade Fire" and "Of Montreal"?) and not "lose themselves" in their children. "We don't want to give up our IDENTITY for our child!" You know what folks? That there is shit people without kids say. I used to say it before the beautiful little boy to your left came along. But you know what? To a degree, parenthood makes you ...well...obsolete. OK...so maybe that's to strong a word. But it certainly shifts your priorities. YOU are not as important as YOU used to be. That's what parenthood does, ideally. It robs us of our narcissism (at least, theoretically). We now have someone who (SHOULD) mean more to us than ourselves. And I'm sorry to say, but if you don't have kids you CAN'T UNDERSTAND THIS...not fully. But don't get me wrong! I come not here to condemn people who've made a choice to not have children. It's a valid, and quite frankly very mature choice to make. If you don't ABSOLUTELY want children, don't have 'em! There's plenty of rugrats in the world as it is. My best friend in Tennessee is forever going on about how people give so much shite to him and his wife about hoe SELFISH they are for not having kids! BULLSHIT! It's SELFISH to have them when you know that you really shouldn't. But I digress...
Anyhoo...in this story about these GRUPSTERS and how they don't want to "lose their identities for their children" , I heard some of the most obnoxious, selfish trash I've heard in YEARS! Like the woman who said " Oh, NO WIGGLES or BARNEY in our house ! On Saturday mornings it's DISCO music for us! And she LOVES IT!" Yeah...that's real good. Fire up some Gloria Gaynor for your 8 month old! You know why kids listen to Barney and all that other crap? They LIKE it!!!It's AGE APPROPRIATE ! To me, that's like the morons who drag a 6 year old to see Richard the third. OF COURSE he's gonna hate it, because it's OVER HIS HEAD!!!! This, my friends, is the sole reason we have at least two full generations of people who hate (or THINK they hate ) Theatre. (Much in the same way my brilliant theatre career almost never was because of a dreadfully boring LITTLE FOXES I had to endure in the 7th grade...But that's another post...) And then there was the genius who said...and BOY this one really got me..."Remember...WE aren't coming into HIS life..HE'S coming into OURS!" To quote Hank Jr "I'd like to spit some Beech nut in that dude's eye... (and the closet rednecks amongst you know the rest) What a friggin Bastard! HE didn't ask to come into the world, sparky...YOU BROUGHT HIM HERE! So it seems to me, you at LEAST owe him a "smidge" of your time!
It's tough raising kids, folks. I've worked alot of hard jobs in my life. Hell, I grew up on a working farm and was doing real physical labor while alot of folks my age were just learning to ride a bike. I KNOW hard work and I ain't afraid of it...but there IS no harder job than being a parent. But you know what? I love it! And I wouldn't trade a second of it for all the lottery winnings in the world. Do I think it's important to not lose yourself in your kids? Hell yes...if I ain't a well rounded guy, I ain't gonna be a well rounded Daddy. But do I have to adhere to old ways and habits in a desperate attempt cling to my ever fading youth, at the expense of my son? Hell no! Not this guy...
So anyway, I guess the fact that I saw all these hipsters on TV , it just made me angry, and a bit depressed. My wife and I are literally killing ourselves making what we hope is a decent, loving environment for my son and still make a decent living, and these pricks could care less...And yes, I know that's a gross simplification, and I'm lashing out at a 2 minute sound- byte, and I know it's unreasonable. But I don;t really care cause dammit I'M in a funk now! It's so much more. Those of you in the inner circle know of the "professional hoops" I'm having to jump through and how unfair that all seems, and those of you who have ever taken a gander at my wife's blog know that the IRS raped us last month... so I just got a lot on the plate, and I let it bring me down today. There's also the fact that for two years I've been trying desperately to get at least a few more of my USM brethren to join us on the blog. Hell, I MADE this thing for them, so we could all stay in touch better, but, my guess is that most of 'em just simply don't care...and quite frankly that stings a little bit. Despite my gruff exterior...etc...etc...
But I AM thankful for those of you who do post. You've turned this Little site into something greater than I imagined, and I thank you for it. It's really great therapy for me, and it DOES allow me to keep in touch with great folks out the area like Mills. and D $ and Laurie Lou...so I suppose I should quit whining and count my blessings every now and then.
Rant over...I fell much better now! And I hope I haven't offended anyone with my ranting s on parenthood. If so, feel free to flame me unabashedly!