HEY EVERYBODY!!!! It's Memorial Day Weekend...wanna party like THESE GUYS??????
Well, you're S.O.L.-BUT if you wanna have a fun afternoon, come by the X-man's family estate at 4pm Sunday for an afternoon of burgers, dogs, kiddie pools, and Rock and Roll Music played at a respectable neighborhood volume!!! Bring the fixins and beverages of your choice, and of course, feel free to bring the younguns!
RSVP via the message boards, and leave emails and I'll shoot directions to you. PARTY ON, boys and girls!!!!!
...and actually, at the CRUE'S age, we probably WILL be partying harder than them!
We will ##$%***!!! be there.
But the wolverine insists he MUST be the front man....and I am Nikki Sixx for sure...that leaves you with old scary back from the dead Mick Mars...or even scarier Tommy lee.
X and Joy,
I'm not sure I can make the big do, but will try. There's a
f#ck-ing meeting of the Summerfest participants that night at 6:30...ON MEMORIAL DAY!!! I feel it's only appropriate to load up on beer and BBQ beforehand, and then show up, reeling and burping, just because. IT'S A NATIONAL HOLIDAY, for Pete's sake. I'm supposed to be honoring my dead relatives by shopping at the mall and eating and drinking too much, not by sitting in the Gignol, mad as h-e-double-L. They couldn't wait one more stinkin' day to have a meeting? Sheesh.
On another (musical) note, I sure would like to see some of y'all at Natasha's Cafe on Saturday, June 1, for The Belleville Outfit's Lexington debut. Acoustic swing via NOLA and Austin, young players, just played at Merlefest. 9:00 downbeat. Reservations at 259-2754. Y'all come. Check 'em out at www.bellevilleoutfit.com.
Laurie, you need a dose of very cute young manhood just before your surgery. Couldn't hurt.
Sorry for the shameless plug.
Plug away! It sounds great and I hope lots of the readers can come.
Unfortunately, I won't be able to make it as I'll be in Nashville's famed EXIT IN that evening rocking out at the Jason and the Scorchers reunion.
BTW_ Fletch- contact me reagrding this show asap!
Hope you can make it Sunday Missy. Sorry about the rehearsal...
...of course I let MY cast OFF on Memorial Day... but I'm swweet like that ;)
And X, your Stage Manager might have whacked you if you'd wanted rehearsal on Memorial Day :-)
X, oddly enough, not entirely unlike Missy, The last day of the Cincy Unifieds will be on Monday which is Equity day, so...that's where I'll be...
I don't really mind. As I've rarely done anything that could be described as a 9-5 job anyway, holidays like these have always somewhat baffled me...I usually have Mondays off, so it's kinda nice to be doing something vaguely constructive...
Cool, but the part is SUNDAY folks, not Monday!...
I'll be driving up to Cincy Sunday too, to fetch my wife back from the airport when she flies in from LA.
drop me an e-mail, tim. Fletch
by the way, will there be any hot dog samiches at your swaray?
Missy, I think it's
h-e-double-toothpicks or hockey sticks..
love ya
Well, boy, do I feel like an idiot.
The Summerfest meeting is MONDAY(which is still Memorial Day, dammit). So our chances of making the party on SUNDAY just skyrocketed. Whoopee!
Chuck, hope your Memorial Day Bafflement doesn't affect your audition. We poor working stiffs have no problem with an extra day off every now and then, believe me. I'm planning to do something vaguely constructive like spending time with my husband, which I hardly ever get to do during a weekday. Maybe we'll put up the gazebo on the patio, clean off the grill, open a nice savignon blanc, and invite some of the neighbors over in the evening....oh, wait, we can't. I have to go to the Summerfest Meeting! AARRGHH!!
Missy, I expect after I drive up and back to Cincy on Sunday to get Julieanne from the airport after her week in LA of conferencing, seeing doctors, clients, and old friends and then after us both driving up and back to Cincy again to audition, we'll be quite content to spend the holiday, plopped on our back deck, swilling some bubbles, and watching the sun go down, as we listen to some soothing tunes. It sounds like the best of holidays to me.
I also recently surrendered my internet buying cherry to Amazon.com and so I have some fine DVDs lined up as entertainment after the bottle and the sun are gone.
I doubt the holiday or my confusion with it (just another Monday to me) will in any way affect my audition. And the Playhouse-in-the-Park and Mt. Adams is an exquisite environment conducive to the being inspired by the Muses.
I'm sending directions to you BATTY address, should you and Hubby be able to make it!
Happy Memorial Day (belated).
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