So...the jury is in, and this little boy is about to have... (drum roll please!)...
Yep, the wife and I went to get the ultrasound today, and there she was- big as life. My daughter! It's amazing what these things can do. I actually have a picture of her little face! As per usual, it brought a tear to my eye. However that was short lived. as the Wolverine was in the room with us and demanded his usual amount of attention. It's gonna be an interesting ride, but one I wouldn't trade for all the tea pots in China.
The coolest thing happened as we were leaving the Doctor's office. The boy looked up at me and said "You're gonna have to take care of your baby sister!" (which for some reason he pronounces "SES-stir, as though he were an extra in an episode of THE HIGH CHAPARRAL) It just made me hyper aware of how grown up he's getting, and more to the point, how fast life really comes at you. Before I know it, he'll be off to college and I'll be an old bastard. But, such is the cycle of life.
Even though we waited, and even though it makes for a very sleep deprived existence, and even though I may never have the money to travel anywhere above the Mason Dixon line till I'm old and gray (er), I'm so thrilled that this beautiful boy is a part of my life... and I can't wait for you all to meet my daughter...heck, I can't wait to meet her myself!
Feel free to shower me with all due congratulations...
what a wonderful post..congrats, another little cherub, she is very lucky to join your family..
YAY! Congrats on the good news. The wolverine's going to make a great big brother.
So, what are we gonna call her? Storm? Rogue? We gotta keep the theme going! :-)
Jean Grey Davis?
Madylne Prior Davis???
Ororo Davis???
Nero suggested Jubilee!
Much congratualtions to you and Joy. how about Bette Davis?
When's baby girl due?
Wonderful news!!!! I have a baby name book to cure all of your comic book character name ills - I will find a way to deliver it to ya. We love you guys!
Why not Wolverina? Wolverette?
'Bout time you had more estrogen in that house. Congrats!
And don't y'all forget that The Belleville Outfit will be at Natasha's on Oct. 8 and 9. Come on down and swing! Even if you're pregnant!
Dude. We were talking about how daddies with little girls arm themselves, right? Well, I got a lady-killer li'l boy who will be just a few months older than your heartbreaker.
We should talk.
Keep your sons filthy paws off my still in utero precious pure girl.
BTW, new pic of my boy on my blog site.
Infrequently updated but still there, eh.
Congrats Tim. I can give you much advice on handling a daughter. btw, aren't you already an old bastard??
We've already said it, but congrats again!
P.S. to LazyMom...
Our sons' paws aren't filthy...yet. :)
congratulations on your newest endeavor.
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