Greetings, one and all.
BCTC , in cooperation with AGL, presents Jerome Lawrence and Robert E Lee's THE NIGHT THOREAU SPENT IN JAIL, Nov 15th - 17th at the DAC. Showtimes are at 8pm each night.
Tickets are $5 for students , $10 for GA. For more info, call the DAC box office.
Love to see you all out there. It's a great little show we have in store for you.
Now, if you'll excuse me , I have 1000 things left to do and a sick toddler...
BCTC , in cooperation with AGL, presents Jerome Lawrence and Robert E Lee's THE NIGHT THOREAU SPENT IN JAIL, Nov 15th - 17th at the DAC. Showtimes are at 8pm each night.
Tickets are $5 for students , $10 for GA. For more info, call the DAC box office.
Love to see you all out there. It's a great little show we have in store for you.
Now, if you'll excuse me , I have 1000 things left to do and a sick toddler...
I hope either Rick or myself can make it out this weekend. Break Legs!!
X, I'll definitely get out to see your production. I've not seen the play since I did it back in 1970 or '71, at UK. Roger Leasor played Thoreau; I played his brother, John. Ray Smith was Emerson. It was guest-directed by John O'Shaughnessy whose claim to fame was having directed the original Broadway production of COMMAND DECISION.
Pretty heavyweight cast, ther Chuck!
I think we've assembled a fine cast too. Zach Dearing is a very passionate David Henry,MA RAINEY standout Jeremy Brown as Bailey and BCTC faculty member Leif Rigney is just an absolute joy to watch as Emerson. AND - you get to see the triumphant return of Natalie Cummins to the stage! I think we've got a really cool piece of theatre to offer...
And btw- I played John in a High School production way back in 83! I really loved that role!
Thanks for the kind words, X. I'm really looking forward to folks seeing everyone's hard work on this show. Fingers crossed that my dress makes it through the run! :-)
Show 'em how it's done, Natalie!
That's great. I'll definitely try to get there.
Weren't the foob and flaherty also in the show?
Indeed they were , FLetch...and I have it on high grade 80's VHS to prove it!
Hey Tim,
Congratulations on Thoreau. You're students worked very hard and it shows. That show is a big undertaking, and I hope they're all very proud of their work. I hope you are too. Thanks to you and your efforts, I hear lots of people talking about BCTC. Now I can say that the head of the department of theatre is an ol' buddy of mine.
I'm really sorry I only saw the second act, but...
Come see The Love Letter, written and performed by Janet Scott. Central Library Theatre. Tonight and tomorrow night. Curtain at eight o' clock. Tickets are a whopping $30, but tonight's performance is a benefit for the library and Saturday is a benefit for the National Society of Arts and letters.
If you must see the show but cannot (versus will not) afford a ticket, please email me privately at kdixon@iglou.com and MAYBE I can pull a few strings. This is under the assumption that we don't sell out. Sold out = no strings.
This has been a shameless advertisement.
Also, Natalie Cummins is really great in the show, and she is smokin' hot.
*blush* Gosh, Kim, thanks!
And it didn't cost me that much for her to say that, either! :-)
Hey Gang! Thanks to all who came out last night and gave us another BCTC FULL HOUSE!!!
You guys rock!
Only two nights left...come check us out!
Also, Natalie Cummins is really great in the show, and she is smokin' hot.
En fuego, isn't she? I'm worried about groupies.
Oh, Nero. You know the groupies have nothing on you :-)
Get a room, you two!
Thanks to all who came out to support the show!
THREE sold out houses in a row, three very appreciative crowds. I couldn't be prouder of my cast and crew. They excelled in a show with an very high degree of difficulty.
Jack Cirillo of Marshall University was our ACTF respondent Friday evening and he commented very favorably on the show AND on the how great the audience was. He had mentioned that seeing an audience sit through what was a pretty long, fairly "talky" piece was something of a novelty in an academic theatre setting.
This got me to thinking how all too often we here in Lexington take our Theatre scene for granted. I hear lots of folks saying how you need to "get out of Lexington if you really want to be in the theatre" etc...but you know what? Compared to alot of the country, we have a pretty nice thing going. Darren Michael, our Saturday night respondent, told me of how envious he is of me that I live in an area where it's possible to get paid of your work, and to participate in great shows like MA RAINEY and CUCKOOS NEST on a regular basis...he hasn't had such opportunities in the areas he has lived and worked in over the past ten years or so. Nor has he had spaces as nice as the DAC and WCTAA to work in.
So perhaps the next time we want to look down our noses at what we have here in Lexington, perhaps it might behoove us to look around at what it COULD be like...
...end of rant...thanks for all the support folks! It means a lot...
The return of "behoove".
right on...
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!!
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