Mark it down, baby!!! MERRY WIVES took the trophy for the 1st annual Lex Theatre Bowling Extravaganza! (Which s REALLY a continuation of the old LSF Bowl-o-rama) Of all these bowling shindigs I've been in, I've never won, so it was SCH-WEEET getting to hoist this baby! AND- my top score was a 195- my best game EVER!!! Lots of fun was had by all, and lemme tell ya...them damn LORD OF THE FLIES kids can flat out bowl! But...in the end, the night was OURS! Thanks to Trish Clark for organizing the whole she-bang, and to all our our cast and crew who showed up.
Here's what they look like- nice lookin' bunch, no?

...'cept for the fat guy in the cowboy hat! How did Brett Michael's older, hairier brother get in the picture??? Ah well...
So the show is down. All in all we had good crowds (not great- we never got close to the 600 they had on one night last summer) but, with gas prices the way they are, and the economy in the dumpster (Sorry Scott, if you;re reading this, but it's true!) it was a pretty respectable showing. While, admittedly, the rehearsal process sometimes was a bit tough for a Daddy with a newborn, we did lots of fine work, exploring the text and getting to the heart of the the show. And performance was an absolute joy! It was very physical, and at times rough on my aging, out of shape frame (this is the 2nd outdoor show in a row I've had to wear a knee brace to make it through!) but I had an absolute blast. Sharing the stage with two of my students, with old friends like Chris, Jimmy and Tony and new friends like Todd, Mikey and all the gals made for a fantastic ensemble. All in all a VERY good experience, and one I hope to do again...but next year, no knee brace and 30 lbs lighter! You heard it here first...
So.. something else is on my mind. I've been seriously thinking of shutting down the shop here at the Clones. I've been at it for almost 3 years and I feel like, though we've had great response, I'm not sure how many folks really frequent here and get anything out of it. SOOOO- here's your chance- If you are here frequently (or just lurk occasionally) pipe up and drop me a SAVE THE CLONES note- if I don't get alot of response, I'll probably shut it down by month's end. No pressure, I'm genuinely just interested to see who's still out there. This thing started as an adjunct to the DIVA NEWS LETTER that my boy Jason started, but it quickly turned from a USM alum medium (as very few alums use it!) to a more Lexington / regional thing. It's been fun, but with two kids and a very demanding job, I need a reason to keep going.
So there- now more than ever, LET ME HEAR YA!!!
Oh- and just for fun- 2 million points for the first to correctly ID the lyrics! Haven't done that in a while...Chuck YOU may even know this one!