...to see this film!!!
This one "spoiler free" line from VARIETY's review says it all to me:
"With all due respect to the enjoyable camp buffoonery of past Jokers like Cesar Romero and Jack Nicholson, Ledger makes them look like -- well, clowns."
Good on you, Heath. I will watch this film with a sense of both exhilaration and sadness, all due to Mr Ledger's performance, but watch it I shall!!! And Geek-out I shall also!!
You KNOW you wanna see it- you know you wanna write about it (SPOILER FREE ONLY!) when you do!
Hit me...
Actually, I can wait. I don't know...I've still got 3,000 comics from the so-called Silver Age (few superhero ones though). I'm just kind of burnt out on comic book movies of late. I want to see MONGOL.
Party pooper!
Goin' tomorrow!!!!!
I'll file a full report when I get back.
You all MUST see this film! Even you Chuck Pogue!
That is all for now...
It freakin' rocked!!!!!!!! Greatest comic book film in the HISTORY OF THE ENTIRE FREAKIN' UNIVERSE!!!
Pogue- I just read a review comparing Batman's character and pysche to Ethan Edwards in The Searchers...I couldn't agree more...
Holy smokes, what a movie!!
As Ethan Edwards was wont to say: "That'll be the day."
i side with rick and tim on the batman, but i'm sorta tired of people kicking at smiling jack's joker. it was a different joker, different style almost 20 years ago. i watched the burton batman on tv the other night and felt it held up pretty well. the only problems i have with are things tim burton did to the story, but love the joker capers. this is a far better film and this joker is much darker. but people forget another great joker persona, the batman animated series joker vocied by luke skywalker himself, that was a twisted bastard.
Hey, what about Caesar Romero's Joker?
Caesar Romero was a hoot!
LOVED Jack, especially when I first saw this. Unlike Eric, I don't think it's held up quite as well as a film (com'on, was the PRINCE soundtrack really necessary?) but Jack gave a fine turn. However, Ledger to me IS the JOKER.
BUT-as I said to Rick during the film, I think he took some inspiration from Hamill (a DAMN fine portrayal of the Joker!), and if Mr Skywalker was 20 years younger, he's who I'd be touting to take up the mantle now.
Mark is a fine actor in his own right. I saw him on Broadway in Charles Nelson Riely's THE NERD back in the 80's and he KILLED it!!!
Batman was wild..HL in the nurse's dress walking down the street, oh my...Momma Mia was too much fun!!!
Okay,I've seen it. It was fun, Heath Ledger particularly fine. Still too much of that camera movement where it's hard to tell where people and machines are popping out of and precisely what's happening, but other than that, fun. Now get off my back
Good on ya, Chuck!
The film has already eclipsed the 300 million dollar mark domestically, and just finished the biggest "2nd week" ever. This train just keeps on rolling. I'm thinking LOTR's numbers before we're done.
Just saw it this weekend. It Rocked!!!! It was a bit long but I would love to see it again. Heath Ledger rocked. I loved magic trick at the beginning. What a great way to introduce the character.
Yet ANOTHER record setting weekend. At this pace, it should easily overtake STAR WARS as the #2 grossing film of all time.
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