Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Oh yeah...

... and for all you tech cats, please chime in on any union affiliations on your end of things!!


timxx said...

Interesting...never realized the costumers unions were so spread out...is it like that in other tech areas?

timxx said...

Cool- neat info...I can use that in my INTRO TO THEATRE class design unit!

Anonymous said...

I have gone round and round on this. I belive the Union(s) is good for "high end" productions, like large touring shows, actual Broadway , etc. As for Local and Regional productions I dont think they have a place. The rules of the Unions, work well for shows with a large contingent of techs become a true hinderence with smaller productions, theatres, and companies.

timxx said...

Why THANK you Mr. Rick...
and thanks for giving me some potential ideas for future questions...