at left, SPIKE illustrates my feelings for the majority of the 08 presidential candidates.
Well, we here in Central KY are FINALLY getting some rain (Thank the Lord!) and the the great outdoors is finally dropping to a respectable, fall like temperature. SO, it's beginning to look alot like...Halloween??? (Doesn't have the same ring, does it?) And you KNOW what fall temperatures bring to mind...PRESIDENTIAL DEBATES!!!!
So as we head into what is sure to be an intriguing political year, who do you feel has done the best job of getting their message out to the American people (via the debates or other TV appearances?) AND- has your opinion of a candidate changed as a result of said TV appearances?)
Let it roll, people!
All I know is that I'm voting straight Democratic ticket. For years, I voted both across parties...but since The second half of Reagan's term when the Republicans blatantly wooed the extreme far right factions of their party, I have not voted Republican. Until I see a Republican candidate who has the courage to speak up and say: "This party no longer represents the values of Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, or, frankly, even Richard Nixon. It is supposed to be the party of small government...yet we want to be in everyone's living-room, bedroom, in their computer, checking out their library card, if we could we'd crawl inside their heads, we would. WE've become spies and nannies and finger-wagging moralists. Worse, hypocritical moralists. We no longer represents any seperation of church and state, we have ravaged the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. We abandoned the middle class and the rational middle of our party and let it be high-jacked by religious demagogues, incompetent war-hawks who never fought in a war and don't know how to conduct one, corrupt big business and lobbyists. Our greatest virtue...fiscal responsibility...we have also abandoned. And worst of all we nominated the most incompetent man who ever held this office and we continue to stand by him despite the fact that his chronic ineptitude is bringing both the country and our party down.
Bush is without the stupidest man to ever hold the office of the presidency and his cohorts are evil or incompetent or both. All the Republican candidates still run to kiss the ass of the extreme right instead of staking out a logical middle ground.
I do not fear the terrorists! Let me repeat that. I DO NOT FEAR THE TERRORISTS! They are not the ones who have changed my life for the worse and had a negative impact on it. They are not the ones winnowing away the constitution and denying me my civil liberties. That is the exclusive doing of the Republican party.
Fletcher is like a little George Bush and his incompetence and intransigence statewide looks like Bush's nationally.
I voted against giving Carter a second term, despite the fact, I personally liked him, because I could not see rewarding failure. The Republicans have been consistently failing big for at least eight years (and more). I will not reward failure of this colossal magnitude.
Going back to the old question, were you and the country better off eight years ago than you were today? You spades. Bring on the Democrats.
There's supposed to be quotes after that hypothetical courageous Republican's speech ("courageous Republican" oxymoron); at the end of country and our party down." And then my conclusion, until I hear a GOP candidate say all that; I won't consider voting Republican....
I got carried away with my own little stump speech there.
"Until I see a Republican candidate who has the courage to speak up and say: "This party no longer represents the values of Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, or, frankly, even Richard Nixon. It is supposed to be the party of small government..."
Two words for you Chuck...RON PAUL.
...and no, I'm not voting for him (ESPECIALLY if he runs as an independent) but he's been giving the "neo-cons" (he even uses that term in the debates..) TONS of shit about how the party has "lost it's way". GOD you should watch the others squirm when he starts in- it's a thing of beauty. But alas, he doesn't stand a snowball's chance...
Well, I can't stand to sit through the republic parties debates. My blood pressure can't take it.
Ron Paul is the man who make the only sense coming from the republics. I do I must say find Huckabee to be sweet. He's just likable and having lived in Arkansas for a period of time, he seemed competent.
The Democratic Party is O so much more appealing, but some one better step up and shut Hillary down. Although I believe she would do a good job and show some leadership.
I must say living here in South Carolina allows more aooportunity to see the candidate in person. Joe Biden was here in Rock Hill not long ago and I got to see Obama in person. I like him. I'm just not sure about him. To be quite honest I think Kucinich has the best ideas and the hottest wife. i could care less about Edward's "mill workin' daddy" I groan every time I hear that.
Bush has FUCKED things up so badly that I don't think the next president has much hope of accomplishing too much. They'll spend four years cleaning up the mess.
But I'm definitely voting for a member of the Democratic Party!!!!!
Donkey's in Da House baby!!!!!
Are there any independants that have come out?
From the committee to elect Stephen Colbert for President.
Actually Diva Master, Colbert is likely to make some noise here in South Carolina.
I'll vote for whichever Dem candidate will swear to me that the current administration gets the Nuremburg treatment for what they have done to us. We've turned into a compliant Hitler-era Germany, complete with our own Gestapo and concentration camps.
History will judge us. The rest of the world already has.
Re: Fletcher. I plan to get an immense amount of glee out of shouting from within the voting booth, "Ernie Fletcher, you are FIRED!" (For those who don't know, one of Ernie's appointed buddies made some policy changes that were blatantly "conflict of interest" and indirectly resulted in my losing a job I liked very much. Ancient history now, eh?)
just a note, I am definitely not related to your governor. go kucinich, at least through the primaries.
I can attest to the fact that the fletch is definitely NO Ernie Fletcher...
...but I think you're a madman for supporting a nut-bag like Kucinich!(although, he DEFINITELY has the hottest wife!)
So Bill Clinton is in Rock Hill today, campaigning for Hillary.
I hope to be in attendance. I tell you we really are getting some good exposure to the various campaigns in SC. I really like the fact our state is #3 in moving towards a nomination.
Also, presidential debate tomorrow night on MSNBC for those who are interested
Ah, if only Bill could run again! I miss that guy....
Oh, I love Spike . . . can he run for president??
Well...he IS American, so why not?
Wha? There's an election coming up?
If Hillary took the campaign slogan "Vote Bill Clinton for First Lady" she'd lead even further in the polls than she does now.
did anyone see the debates last night? high energy...Biden had some great lines, one was something like, all Giulianni says is a verb, a noun and 911...
yes i watched most of the debate last night. And yes Biden had the line of the night. Call me thick, but i really think Biden would make the best President out of the bunch. He's clean, he's articulate and he's fightin' Joe Biden.
Well I went to see Bill Clinton the other day. Alas, I stood in line for an hour and by the time I got to the entrance, the hall in which he was speaking was full, so they ushered us to the front part of the building which is a church.
They had a large screen set up and we could sit in the pews to watch the event on the BIG SCREEN, so needless to say I had better things to do than watch Bill on t.v. so I took my two Hillary bumper stickers (which were given to us as a consolation prize for not getting to see Bill)and went home and ate left over chinese food.
Yeah, Sammy! TONY STARK for President!!!!
only love can bring the rain...and only tim can bring us a new post.
yesterday was a good day..Democrats take over and the Cats win..a Democats day
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