Thursday, September 18, 2008

"Autumn leaves"

Well, damned if Summer isn't over already! And where the heck did it go? I tell ya...there's nothing quite like a couple of kids to make the old life clock speed up! (and if one more a-hole says to me "Then you shouldn't have had kids!" I'm gonna explode! I work damned hard as a Father, and if I want to vent a bit to the with it!!!!) There- that felt better...

Anyhoo- Fall is, and always has been, my favorite time of year. The colors changing, a slight chill in the night air, we can all start wearing long pants again, and, oh yeah FOOTBALL!!!
There's something about a crisp Autumn night that stirs up many an old memory inside of me. It makes me feel alive.

And of course, with the school year cranking back up, Fall means BUSY BUSY! Lots going on in the salt mines of late. I'm most pleased with the cast of our Fall production of DANCING WITH DANI (by yours truly- let the "self serving" remarks begin!) Actually, I've always been proud of this script, and I just felt that now was the time to mount a full production. I have a tremendously talented cast and a GREAT designer (who's a former student, no less) ...not to mention that I'm working with my old buddy Mikey again, so let the magic begin! I think all who see this piece will be very pleased with what we come up with...and don't sleep on us just cause we're only a "two year institution". I have some of the finest young (and not so young) talent in this city in my casting pool. So come November, check us out!

In the meantime, lots of other cool productions to see. CONSTANT STAR @ AGL (which some of my students have been raving about) and DON'T DRESS FOR DINNER @ Studio are both in thier 2nd week, and UK opens up a trio of student written one acts this weekend. Plus, AGl's PILLOWMAN is on the way (with Leif R.-a fellow faculty member and frequent actor in our productions ) and MACBETH @ Woodford County ( with one of my acting students in the cast! WE'RE EVERYWHERE, BABY!!!!) coming in October.

So, as Paul Stanley might scream, "lick it up!" There's some good stuff to be seen out there.

If you can pull yourself away from all the great football, that is! (TITANS ARE 2 and 0, BABY!!!!! FIRST PLACE IN THE AFC SOUTH!!! WHO-HOOOO!!!!!)

So tell me, what's your favorite season of the year, and why???
And let's have some more responses folks! I ain't doing this for my health!!!



Anonymous said...

Fall has always been my favourite season...probably because it goes with my penchant for dramatic literature consisting of "dying falls"...the melancholic, the elegaic drama or novel has always appealled to me...the valiant but doomed Arthurian legend, Greek & Elizabethan tragedies, dark sagas and legends, etc.

Over the last dozen or so years, I'd say the Fall/Winter season has become my favourite because sometime between Thanksgiving and March, we usually book for London for our glut of theatre-going. We've found off-season the best times, fewer crowds and seats for most everything we want.

Looking forward to seeing a full-fledged production of your play, X, after enjoying the reading a few years back (Christ! Have I been in Kenutcky that frigging long?!).

Anonymous said...

Chuck, I had the exact same thought the other day (not have YOU been in KY, but have I been in KY that long?)

d$ said...

Hey Baby, what about those TITANS??!?!!! I too really love the fall. I love the colors, the smell of burning leaves, as a kid I hated raking the leaves, but I enjoyed jumping into great big piles of them. Halloween has always been a favorite even though I'm getting old and have no kids I still carve a pumpkin every year or most years anyway. Football. World Series. Back to school is always exciting and busy.

Break a leg with D w/ D.


Mike said...

I gotta go with Autumn as well. It's over way too quickly.


Fall with Halloween, for sure.

Anonymous said...

Ned Ludd would be proud he has so many a BLOG site no less!