Ok...so it's probably not TOO hard to guess what my vote for album / song of the year is (DUH!)...and a fine vote it is, despite the Grammy snubs. (Amy Winehouse and Herbie freakin Hancock??? WTF) With MAGIC the Boss reaffirms that old classic rockers needn't rest on their past glories and shows that a man nearing 60 can indeed still have his finger on the artistic pulse of a nation...but that's just me. What say you? What's the best music you heard in 2007? (and please confine it to music FROM said year, not some old 45's you dusted off and rediscovered.)
So...hit me with your best end of the year shots, people. And let's have a little more chatter out there! Not allot of postings lately...bring the meat, people!!!!
Gotta go with the Foo Fighters "Echoes, Silence, Patience and Grace" for this one.
Worst of '07: Kid Rock's "Rock and Roll Jesus". I've already preached about that one to ya, X. Plagiarism has a new face.
There's so much new music out there nowadays, I feel very behind, I gotta say. But, I also gotta say that very little of what I hear appeals to me at all. Maybe the first few of them ruined me for the rest, but I am really tired of whiny boys and supersensitive, pale brooders. When did Woody Allen start claiming to be rock!?
I have listened to no new music from this year and if I've inadvertantly heard some in passing, it made absolutely no lasting impression on me whatsoever.
In fact, one of the most irritating things about this Christmas shopping season is the ambient noise blaring in malls and from various stores. I, for one, preferred muzak. At least it wasn't intrusive and assaulting, like the music played in stores today. I quickly scurry out of stores because the music is so utterly rotten and ear-piercingly annoying...particularly the various rock and country music takes on various old Christmas standards...Yecch!
Gotta go with the IU fight song.
I don't think I have heard any new music this year, at least not on purpose. The only exception would be some classic rockers (like the aforementioned Boss) who keep putting music out. I feel old.
Van Halen's Panama came on the radio the other day. My 11 year old daughter asked what it was. Shocked that a song of such a huge album (1984) could be unknown to her I launched into an explanation of the skill of Eddie Van Halen, the influence of 1984, etc etc. Only to realize that the song came out 12 years before her birth. When I thought about it a similar album for me could be The Kingston Trio (they did have two of the top five albums in 1959, 12 years before my birth)
I don't think anything makes me feel older than music.
robert plant/alison krauss-Raising Sand. Robert, Alison, T-Bone Burnett and Marc Ribot. Fantastic.
I haven't been able to post because I have been in & out of St. Joe, my Dad had a quad. bypass, he gets home tomorrow or Tues., the past 8 days seems like an eternity..
Sorry Becky.
Hope everything is OK. Our thoughts are with you.
Steve, the thought of you giving a dissertation on the influence of Eddie Van Halen to an 11 year old makes me smile with glee!
I gotta say i haven't really been tuned in to the music scene this year. I usually leave the radio on NPR talk radio. I did buy the new Black Rebel Motorcycle Club's new album Baby 81. It's a solid rock and roll album, alas I barely even listen to it because I'm listening to NPR. I will also say Tom Waits
Brawlers, Bawlers, and Bastards is a damn fine album, but it might have been released last year. I suspect the new acoustic album by Ben Harper would be one of my favorites, but I haven't heard any of it yet. I almost bought it last week, but I feared I would barley listen to it because I'm listening to NPR. God, I'm getting old.
Oh and the new John Butler Trio album is one I'd like to get. I haven't heard any of it yet, but I love what he does and I'm sure I'd love it, but I'll have to get over this NPR kick I'm on.
Don't listen to those damned NPR pinkos!!!!! :)
thanks Tim
Allright, what is it about all my comments sections ending in 11 posts lately???
Well NOT THIS ONE, you hear???If no more of you lazy lurkers are going to post, well at least you WON'T HAVE THE SATISFACTION OF MAKING ME SEE THE NUMBER 11 STARING ME IN THE FACE YET AGAIN!!!!!!!
...I need coffee....
that kid rock disc still sucks today.
Where are all the Hannah Montana lovers out there?!? Come on!
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