So, granted, having an (almost) three year old DOESN'T leave a hell of a lot of time for going to the movies, but we did get out to see a few this year. Of those, BOURNE ULTIMATUM was tops with me. Lots of great action, and what my Mom lovingly refers to as "spy business". Great way to spend a stress free afternoon, and the only trilogy completion of the summer that was worth watching!
(btw- I'll give honorable mention to SUPERBAD, a film that made me laugh at stuff I'm STILL ashamed of laughing at!)
So, what do you think? Those of you that actually get out of the house once in awhile...what was the best film you saw this past 12 months?
Hit it and quit!!!!
I really dug "Grindhouse" and "300". Meant to see "Bourne Ultimatum". Don't know why I missed it. I wish I could list "Casino Royale" and "The Departed" in this year. They rocked.
I guess "300" probably gets top of my list, though. We went to see it twice in the theatre. Or was that "Casino Royale" last year?
What year is it?
I don't know if I have a best film...but I know one that's on my worst list. I got a screener of 3:10 TO YUMA a while back that I finally got around to watching the other night. Now I avoided this film in the theatre because I am a huge fan of the original, which I just think misses being a great western, but still is a very, very good western with terrific performances by Glenn Ford and the staunch character actor Van Heflin.
All my fears about the new film were realized. Where the original film had a taut dramatic line of tension between the protagonist and antagonist with a lean, simple story line, the new film blurs both the dramatic line and simple plotline and, unfortunately like too many films today, thinks everything is better if it gets bigger, louder, faster, and pumps more action into it. It just becomes sloppy, muddy storytelling with unnecessary subplots and character touches that make its tautness flabby and unfocused.
Friedkin's BUG, or one might say FREAKIN' BUG!
300 and BOURNE for the obvious reasons.
I liked DISTURBIA. It was a bit predictable, but I enjoyed the Hitchcockian flavor.
Hot Fuzz baby!! I don't know if this was this year or last year but Children of Men and The Lives of Others.
I also loved Knocked Up and Superbad as well...
Mike, I thought 300 was great.
Speaking of films I can't WAIT to see...
Check this out quick, before the studio makes em take it down!
RIP Dan Fogelberg!! I'm totally bummed, he died of cancer this morning!! "The Leader of the band has died..."
BTW, I left that last comment...
yeah, I heard about Fogleberg too. MAN, I hate that. I loved that guy all through my young life. THERE'S A PLACE IN THE WORLD FOR A GAMBLER might be one of the best songs of the 70's, and it;s cetainly one of his finest. I also really was partial to the entire PHOENIX cd. GREAT stuff.
We'll miss you, Dan.
Check out this link
A friend of mine's dad used to call Fogelberg "that Jew Indian". I was too young to get it at the time, but later it was explained to me that he had seen the cover to Fogelberg's 1972 "Home Free" album. (see link below for pic)
Once I saw that, it was kind of a standing joke for me. Ya just gotta laugh at some ignorance.
"Same Old Lang Syne" has always held a "spot" for me. But, I could've done without his "Rhythm of the Falling Rain" remake. Oh well. Win some; lose some.
I guess the biggest thing is seeing a guy die so young. Scary.
Mike, check out the PHOENIX album. I know you'd like it. It had a few hits (Longer/ Heart Hotels) but it had some great rock songs as well, including a blistering anti-nke song called FACE THE FIRE. Fogleberg played one of his finest solos ever in that song (he was actually a hell of a guitarist!)
I didn't know Fogleberg died. Well, I guess you never really know who's next.
As far as films go. I've been fortuante to see a few lately. No Country for Old Men is a masterpiece. I really enjoyed the Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford. Darjeeling Limited by Wes Anderson was interesting. And yes, Bourne was the best trilogy of the trilogies.
I haven't really seen the list of Golden Globe awards but I hope Casey Affleck gets a nomination for his turn as Bob Ford in the Jesse James flick.
No Countrty for Old Men should win those Coen boys and Oscar finally.
11 again???What the hell????
I adored Dan F. and was so sad to hear the news...so sad
oh yeah, loved August Rush
This is the time I see most films, simply because, being in the WGA, I get all these DVD screeners of the year's current films vying for awards. We've got a dozen so far, including the aforementioned 3:10 To Yuma. Xmas will be spent at the Pogue home watching: No Country For Old Men; There Will Be Blood; Away From Her; Margot At The Wedding; The Kite Runner; Zodiac; Into the Wild; The Diving Bell & the Butterfly; Dan In Real Life; Juno; The Savages. Hopefully, there'll be a few more coming. A lot of the DVDs have also been accompanied by the bound screenplays which I won't read.
For my money, 'No Country For Old Men' is my favorite film of the year and probably the best. Though I'll probably catch an incredible amount of crap for this, 'Ratatouille' was my second favorite film of the year. But, none of that means a thing because I haven't seen 'Juno' yet and 'There Will Be Blood'. I'm so excited about seeing "TWBB". It's been how long since Paul Thomas Anderson has done a film? Not counting 'Punch Drunk Love' (due to a high level of intoxicating mediocrity) it's been almost 8 years since 'Magnolia' was released, which is my favorite film.
Getting into a different thing all together, 'Knocked Up' and 'Superbad' are prime examples of how to do comedies right, Judd Apatow has a good thing going for him right now.
I agree with Mike, the "Grindhouse" stuff was great "300" rocked. I definately want to see "Super Bad" again, I love teenage boy humor, yeah I'm a girl want to fight about it! My fav so far though is Rob Zombie's "Devil's Rejects", it's a great slasher movie and boy is it sick. That's an '05 but I'm counting it anyway since I just had the pleasure of seeing it. My vote for worst movie is "Bug" that one's way to freaky, even for me.
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