This one really blows me away.
Heath Ledger is apparently dead. I don't know why this kicks me in the gut quite so hard, but it does. Perhaps it's that he was SO young and gifted, perhaps it's his 2 year old he leaves without a Father, perhaps it's just where my head is, but damn...this sucks.
My thoughts and prayers go out to his family and friends.
I just saw the news and I am totally floored...Olivia and I watched Batman Begins last night and then I showed her the trailer for The Dark Knight...unbelievable...
Yeah, I can't put my finger on it why it bothers me so much but it does. I guess there are several reasons, as you mentioned.
Same here. It just seems like such a tremendous loss...
This guy seemed pretty uncorrupted. No big headlines about rehab and custody battles (well, not much to speak of). No 24-hour nuthouse watch. He was growing and surprising people, taking chances and working and then BAM!
And, you're right. The worst part is the kid. All I can hope is that, whatever answers the autopsies and such bear out, everyone lets this guy rest in peace. No more shameful, Anna Nicole-style press antics, please.
Too late...the tatty media is here. Conservative press apparently somehow trying to tie his death to his playing a gay guy in Brokeback Mountain...and John Gibson...of Fox, (how surprising)...made some of the foulest, snide, cretinous remarks and jokes about his death last night shortly after the story broke.
Fox news, SNIDE???? Say it ain't so, Chuck...
shame on Fox news, they suck!
Yes, I think he was a real quality actor who was in the mold of Johnny Depp. He's pretty, he can act, and he wasn't afraid to cover up his beauty.
And where is the outrage and the drive to get that John Gibson off the air a la Imus?
Completely nauseating!!!!!
Seems like I have been pondering the Ledger situation more than I normally would. I think it has effected me more because I didn't see it comin'.
That's different from seeing something about Britney Spears, because I wouldn't be surprised if she woke up dead tomorrow.
John Gibson is a goober.
Everyone I have spoken too seems to have taken Heath's death very hard, almost personally. It's odd- at first I thought it was just me that felt that way, but everyone I've spoken with feels the same way. Perhaps because he was so young and had so much going for him...who knows? RIP Mr Ledger.
How can the conservative media be blaming Ledger's death on his playing a gay cowboy? I thought that's what they blamed the "global warming theory" on?
Mike, look no further than our own state legislature... some members are claiming an school bullying bill will lead to gay legislation. I thought the "let folks tote firearms in their car on campus" proposed law was dumb, but this one really takes a leap of logic.
Here's a link
to some production photos for CATFISH MOON. Larry Neuzel does a tremendous job!
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