One more weekend of CATFISH MOON at Studio. Thanks to all who've come out and made this show a big hit. If you haven't made reservations, do so, as they're going fast! THanks to the cast and crew for doing such a superb job on a piece that's very special to me.
Also BOSTON MARRIAGE opens at AGL this weekend. Check it out!
Still no baby...yet.
Tim, glad the show is going well, I wish I could see it.
Great piece on your brothers theatre in American Theatre, what a talented family.
Yes, X. You probably already know, but the American Theatre issue has a nice article on Burning Coal.
Is it the Feb issue? I haven't seen it yet. Jerry mentioned it briefly, but us Davis's don't like to brag too much!
Yep page 11 and 12. Your bro is wearin' a hardhat.
Jason and I saw Catfish Moon Friday night and LOVED it! Great set, wonderful cast, delightful play.
There were at least 7 BCTC folks there that night. I was glad to see that support for you and your work.
I'm looking forward to hearing that your daughter has arrived!
Hey Tim,
Jim and I really enjoyed Catfish Moon on Friday. I had no idea that Chris Rose could channel Barney Fife like that. A swell production and a wonderful cast. Very, very nice work!
Oops! that last anonymous was Missy J. I can't figure out how to sign in now...duh.
Can't wait to hear news from the baby front.
on my "baby front", my Taylor is the proud father of 5 healthy Golden puppies...we had them Sunday!!
Thanks, Missy!
Glad you enjoyed the show...
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