August is always a weird month for me, especially since I moved "north". As much as I come to despise the cold weather during the seemingly endless winter we have here in the Bluegrass, and as much as I pine for Summertime during those cold months, by early August, I'm usually over it and ready for the Fall cool down. When we were down on the coast, the coldest we got was about 2 weeks in February when the mercury MAYBE dipped to the low 40's. That's shorts weather around these parts! I'm also ready to get back to the ole' teaching grindstone. I've got a big year ahead of me, and I'm anxious to get the show on the road. (although, for a guy who was ""off " this Summer, I've spent a helluva lot of hours in my office advising and working. Perhaps I'm just anxious to start getting paid again for all my work! That'd be nice...)
So, lots going on. Got one baby that's about to start teething, another smack dab in the middle of potty training (and on that front, to quote John Denver "Some days are diamond, some days are stone...") who is also getting ready to start (gulp!) pre-school! God, is my boy that big already??? Damn, time flies!
But the BIG news for me is what's going down on August 16th in Tennessee! These four lads will be playing their FIRST live gig in over 15 years!!!!!

Yes INTENT CITY is back!!! My old rock and roll outfit from my undergrad daze are gonna crank up and rock the house one more time! We have a gig Saturday night, Aug 16th at the Boro Bar and Grill in lovely Murfreesboro, TN (where it all began!) as part of their 20th anniversary BOROSTOCK concert. We'll also be playing with our good friends from back in the day, the LAUGHING STORM DOGS (get it?). The LSD's go on at 10 pm and we go on at 11. Cover is free that night, so if you're in the area, haul your ass on down for some loud, cantankerous rock and roll!!
Now if only I can still play AND sing at the same time!!! I'm really excited about doing this. Call it a midlife crisis if you will (better than a corvette and a 20 year old, right honey? :) but I can't wait to do this. To my lovely wife's credit, she has been very supportive of this endeavor, and kept the eye rolling to a minimum. She's a good one, that Mrs. X!
I'll give ya'll a full report whence we return, and
In the meantime, if anyone can guess who wrote the above lyric, you get 3 zillion points! And here's the question Du are you gonna live out YOUR mid life crisis? (or, in the case of some of our DID you??? :)
Hey Locals!
Have fun with the new "poll" function- I thought I'd take a trial run with this first question. And for goodness sake, don't anyone take offense to the selection! I tried to do a cross section of the non-educational bases Theatres here in town. So no favorites, just a sampling of what we had to offer in Lex this year. It's a pretty darned good list, too!
I plan on having my midlife crisis after I'm dead.
FUnny...that's when I'm planning on sleeping! :)
X that must be your very own lyric to an In Tent City song or Bruce Springsteen. Sorry I will miss the BIG GIG. I thought Rhonda Atkinson was your drummer? Did I just remeber that incorrectly or what?
Jam out buddy!!!
Mid life crisis? I'm gonna be in a buddy film about guerillas in Brazil. i met a Brazillian film director and she liked me so much she is going to write a part for an American in her next film.
I've also been contemplating buying a motorcycle.
"I've also been contemplating buying a motorcycle."
THERE ya go, $. THAT's what I'm talkin' about!!!
Rhonda was our first drummer, but Fletch played with us the longest. This is the CLASSIC IC lineup (much like Buckingham / Nicks in Fleetwood Mac :)
Which mid-life crisis do you want to hear about?
My first came shortly before things broke for me in Hollywood. I was approaching my thirtieth birthday and all I could think about was: Orson Welles had made Citizen Kane when he was twenty-five.
In my mid-forties, I was in Bratislava, watching the greatest script I ever wrote (well, actually I think I've written some just as good...if not better. They're sitting on the shelf, unproduced), DRAGONHEART, being diminished. During that period and afterwards, I went on a exercise regimen and actually got back to my college weight and was in the best shape of my life for the next half a dozen years or so. But the lure of the potato chip, the burrito, and the couch has undone most of that good work in the ensuing years.
Go, Hamlet!
Okay, I know Hamlet got my vote and Rick's...but it's nice to know it has so many other fans!
Actually, I voted for it too, Chuck! It was one of the only shows I actually got out to see this year (new baby, you know!) and I really dug it.
Ooops...last post was moi!
Wish I could be there to see Intent City.
Me too, Millsy. You gotta make your way up north, once and a while :) Course, I've been meaning to come back down that way for the past two years, so we'll get together eventually.
People voting "other"? Feel free to name names.
So HAMLET takes our first pool- followed by "other" and then "Catfish Moon"
Should have a new poll up by the end of the week.
Send me some poll ideas...
I bought a convertible. Quit my job. Divorced my first wife. Got into theatre. Recorded an album.
I was 27. Got it out of my system early. The way things were going I felt I was halfway to my grave.
Then, at 34, I started over entirely - a "reboot", you might say.
I recommend the latter.
Oh my gosh! This is so unexpected, I didn't even prepare a speech...first off, I'd like to thank the fans, without whom all of our work would be for naught, I'd like to thank Adam Luckey, for his great performance, Chuck Pogue, Lara Brier, Jack Parrish and the rest of the cast, Kirby Malone and Steve Koehler for the 10% hotter debate, and finally I'd like to thank my agent...except I don't have one! This win is for you, Dad, thanks for believing in me!!"
FYI, all of the above is intended as a joke...
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