Well, the reunion is almost here and me and the fellas are stoked! It's gonna be a real, by the seat of our pants affair, as we're only gonna get to rehearse once before we play, but as Dave (our lead guitarist) says "What we lack in talent, we'll make up for with enthusiasm and volume!"
True that, big fella!
I'll be posting a post mortem of the show early next week, then it's on to Auditions and other such Theatre and work related activities, and the rock and roll lifestyle will be laid to rest once more. What's been coolest about this thus far is reconnecting with the guys. Fletch and I have stayed close over the years, but I haven't seen Dave and Patty since before I was married, so this will be a nice event all the way around. Adult time, with two kiddies, is at a premium anyhow, and time with old friends is almost non-existent, so this is a treat. The older I get, the more I start to value not only my old friends in Tennessee and Mississippi (and spread out all across the nation) but my newer friends here in the Bluegrass as well. If George Bailey's book inscription is correct, then I am a rich man indeed!
BTW- Take a gander at the new poll. AND- for those voting in the "other" category, give me a title in a post so we can see "where your head at!"
Peace out, and LET'S ROCK!!!
Again with the wishin' I could be there.
You'd better take pictures and video. You Tube was made for this shit.
Wish you coulda been there too, Jennywood. A friend of ours came all the way fom Jackson! I bet she'd have given you a ride !
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