Tuesday, August 01, 2006


"People in the entertainment community, whether Jew or Gentile, need to demonstrate that they understand how much is at stake in this by professionally shunning Mel Gibson and refusing to work with him, even if it means a sacrifice to their bottom line." So says one of the most high profile agents in Hollywood...."
.....ok...........let me see if I have this right: A man gets behind the wheel of a car with a .8 blood alcohol level, (what's the legal in CA...like a .01?) gets nabbed, makes some asinine racist remarks in a drunken haze...and THATS what we focus on? How bout the fact that he was DRIVING WAY OVER THE LEGAL ALCOHOL LIMIT AND ENDANGERING LIVES???? I personally could give a shit what Mel Gibson thinks of the Jewish community. He's a freakin actor...he's not a law maker, he doesn't make US policy, he holds no office- Hell, were it not for his lightning in a bottle Jesus film, the man wouldn't even be relevant to most of the younger generation at this point (and btw- they're the ones actually BUYING the movie tickets these days!) This, to me, is a prime example of how America just gets it wrong. The real issue, and the real danger, is what he was doing, not what he said in a drunken tirade, which by the way is hardly the same as espousing those views in a public forum. So he's a bigoted jackass- WOW- that really sets him apart from most of America, doesn't it? You wanna string the guy up for something? How about for the LAW HE WAS BREAKING???
Besides, don't people realize that by making the big show of this they are simply making the man a martyr for the millions of anti-semites in this country? Those folks must be turning cartwheels today over all the publicity this is getting. For every Hollywood mouthpiece that condemns this guy, hundreds of people will flock to his defense. Get a clue, folks! You're only propping the guy up further by going nuts over this.
So- what say YOU to all this? I've ranted enough....58 points for the oh-so-clever lyric.


Anonymous said...

It was.12, I think. I agree, to a certain extent. His bigoted remarks are reprehensible and he shouldn't get a free ride, just because he said them in a drunken rant (Drunkeness more often than not reveals the true character under the facade as opposed to the altering the character). Nor was he apparently an out-of-control drunk beyond censoring himself.

But what is more disturbing is that there were apparently two other times the cops let him slide on this. So we have an over-privleged, drunken asshole out on the road endangering lives.

And the most disturbing of his remarks to me were, "I own Malibu!" followed by repeated threats to destroy the cop and his career who was just doing his job. That's the kind of meglomania that sends the shivers down my spine.

There is more here than just a bigoted, drunken rant. Severe personal problems are in play. I mean the guy gets pulled over on suspicion of drunk driving and immediately starts saying, "My life is fucked" and then proceeds to fuck it by spewing all sorts of garbage and acting like a rude, arrogant asshole. If he had just shut up, co-operated, and taken his ticket, it would be a simple DUI...a relatively minor storm which hundreds of celebrities and ordinary people before him have weathered. That doesn't excuse his reckless endangerment of others, but he would not now being pillored in the press as an anti-semite asshole. His antics and stupid unedited venting exacerbated what would have been a rather routine arrest.

I vaguely know Ari Emmanuel, the agent who has called for the shunning of Gibson. I was with his agency Endeavor for awhile and he actually handled a couple of my deals. He is reputed to be the model for the Jeremy Piven character in Entourage. So that gives you a clue.

I liked Ari well enough the few times I personally dealt with him. He always dealt squarely with me, but powerhouse agents that slick and intimidating always scare me a little.

And I'm sure Ari has seen lots worse behaviour in the circles he moves in and even heard lots worse things. There's plenty of sexist, racist, shitty behaviour that is de riguer daily operating procedure in Hollywood, particularly at that level.

Decisions at the level Mr. Gibson and Mr. Emmanuel move in are rarely made for moral reasons. Gibson will be shunned if people think he's a financial liability more than if he's presently a social pariah. If these folks thought they could make money off O. J. Simpson, they'd be in business with him.

So it won't be a matter of shunning Mr. Gibson, if it's determined he's severely shot himself in the foot. That will come if no one sees a payday at the end of the day.


Say what ya want about Mel. He made an incredible mugshot. He could use that for a headshot and resume'.

ReverendEddie said...

Well, since the jews own Hollywood (I've seen the Deed, people) it is possible that they'll just revoke his key to the front door.

Imagine the impact if this A List movie star HAD hit and killed someone. Which could have been extremely likely. (Maybe he was gunning for a jew he saw at the end of the street.)

Remember when Matthew Broderick hit and killed someone in Ireland about 10-12 years ago? Didn't spend a day in jail. Or that girl from Paducha who did those Noxema commercials and then went to star in some shitty show somewhere on the WB and killed someone in her SUV. I don't think she had to do any time. Maybe community service or something.

It is obvious that celebrities get special treatment. But why? How important are these people in the grand scheme of things? Yay, you provide me with entertainment. So does my hand and my member. Should the law give them special treatment as well?
Wait, don't answer that. Bad example.

And remember that OJ thing?

Anonymous said...

I agree Darren. My comment regarding him just bieeing an "actor" had more to do with the fact that as an actor, his prejudice really has no effect on the American public (as he creates no laws and makes no policies, nor does he really "represent" anyone) Thus he is free to rant and rave all he wants. I just think that most of America has tired of hearing our celebrities speak out on the issues facing everyday Americans. People like Robbins and Sarandon, whom I like and 8 out of 10 times agree with, haven't really LIVED like everyday Americans in the last 30 years, so perhaps that really don't have the best insight into what's good for us. Once again, not necessarily agreeing with this logic, but I can understand the line of thought behind it.