Aren't these people BEAUTIFUL??? Don't you want to pay a reasonable amount of money and see them, and others like them , PERFORM FOR YOU????
THEN DO SO! The show runs through August 5th. Call the Lexarts box office for ticket info, or hollar at me. Hope to see you at the theatre!
Those of you who HAVE seen the show, feel free to take up valuable bandwidth showering the cast (and the director) with praise!
Ok..I was joling about the praise thing...just to clarify!
Have a great weekend all!
Well, I *will* take up bandwidth for praise! This cast has done a tremendous job with a difficult assignment -- and they continue to deliver the goods performance after performance. Tonight's show had great energy and solid delivery from everyone. They're a great group to work with.
And that direction -- what a knockout! X, I'm still marveling at the richness and complexity on stage even at this point midway through the run. You've done it again, my friend!
Don't kid me, you weren't "joling" about anything. Try to get out there next weekend, X.
Damn! Pogue has foiled me again!
Hope you get to make it out, Chuck.
And thanks for the kind words Nat. Hre's a few for you:
Natalie Cummins is the finest Stage Manager in the city fof Lexington, and it is an honor to get to work with her yet again.
I hope they ain't runnin you to ragged, Nat!
"Natalie Cummins is the finest Stage Manager in the city of Lexington,"
Amen to that! And as one NOT working with her in a show currently, let me just say, "Holy crap I miss you, Nat".
As for "Working", I got to see it opening weekend, the week before my current show "Kiss Me Kate" opened (yoose guys come see it now,ya here.)I was impressed but not surprised. A cast of mostly newcomers but under the tutelage of the Great X. Adam, of course, did his Adam thing. It is a very well put together show and thoroughly pulled me into its stories.
After seeing the show, it was clear to me why it was such a hard decision to pass on that show to do "Kate". In fact, I don't want to talk about it any more so quit asking. That's all I have to say about that.
BTW X, I sat in front of your lovely wife for that show.
I don't know if Natalie Cummins is "the best stage manager in Lexington" or not [and how many stage managers in Lexington are there, anyway? Can they be counted on my short-fingered hand?], but she is one of the nastiest and most repulsive human beings in Lexington, which is analogous to being the most mangy, rabid, and vicious jackals on the plains of Africa. It might stand to reason that someone whose whole life is a sham would be able to manage the fantasy life of theatre in the tiny world of Lexington's intellectually inbred theatre world of the lumpen-bourgeosie in their bootlicking pseudo-bohemian wannabe minions.
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