IT'S THAT TIME OF YEAR, folks! So lets just cut to the chase and get right to it!
Gimmie your :
a) Final 8
b) final 4
c) final game and ultimate winner
d) biggest upset!
e) odds that UK will have a new coach next year!
LET'S DANCE!!!! BTW- 64 points for the reference....
I'll just get the ball rollin myself!
c) FLORIDA, GEORGETOWN, with the HOYAS cutting the nets!
d) VCU over DUKE, ARKANSAS over SOUTHERN CAL, and ORAL ROBERTS over WASHINGTON STATE all in round one. * I didn't have the guts to pick this one, but possibly UT knox over Ohio State in the sweet 16!
e) 30 %
"BTW, UK odds 0%"
I dunno...story is Bickerstaff is leaving Charlotte in the NBA and Orlando's name has been ALL OVER that job for a few years now...things that make you go hmmm....
I hope UK has a new coach. I just don't like Tubby all that much.
I think Jon Saraceno's article in today's USA TODAY should be required reading for all UK fans...here's a taste:
For the disgruntled, it matters not that Kentucky had the toughest schedule in the nation or that the Wildcats beat more than a dozen top-100 teams. It doesn't matter that Smith's winning percentage at the school is better than Joe B. Hall's. Or that memories are short. Kentucky's most famous basketball coach, Adolph Rupp, won only one national title from 1952 until 1972, when even he was forced to face the fiddler's music.
But it should matter.
The SEC's never been more competitive, top to bottom. Likewise, balance colors college basketball's landscape, making it increasingly difficult for traditional powers to consistently dominate. Anyone care to tell me how many national titles Mike Krzyzewski has won lately at Duke? I'll save you time: one in his last 13 full...
PREACH ON brother!
Here's a link to the entire article:
I wish I liked him more. I love Kentucky basketball.
Well, I don't know Shine-Ola about basketball... or anything else about basketball for that matter.
I do know that the title tune is "Come Dancing" by The Kinks.
And, if I may plug for a moment, drop over by miketuttle.blogspot.com . Got something there I wanna share with my friends.
love the Tubster...I have Florida to win
Hey RIck,
How bout that VCU? We picked that one...but GW over VANDY???I THINK NOT!!! 33 point margin ovr victory, BABY!!!!go dores!!!!!!!
a) Arizona, Oregon, Kentucky, UCLA, North Carolina, Gtown, Ohio State with a 43 yr old Oden, and Memphis.
b) Memphis, North Carolina, Oregon, and UCLA
c) Oregon and North Carolina, UNC wins another one
d) Arizona takes out Noah and the Baby Gators; Memphis takes out OSU; UK, The Mighty, takes out Kansas and Vagina Tech.
There's a miniscule chance Tubby coaches anywhere else next year. Charlotte is no longer an option. Two assistant coaches are on their way out; one of which Tubby tried to get rid of last year...
has anyone heard more than what is posted on the other blog about LSF being back on?
I know nothing...just some rumors for now, it seems. I'm staying outta that till I hear something concrete...
It's not a matter of staying in or out of. Whether there's another Shakes venue or not was never the issue. The issue was the ill-veiled vitriol with which four different institutions (one maybe dead...depending on what rumour you embrace)were castigated while supposedly reporting "good news".
I was talking with Joe Ferrell last night at The Dresser and we spoke a little about what is happening with LSF. Things are still in the early stages, but the Arboretum is still a possible venue with Romeo and Juliet (with age appropriate casting from the Instutute) as one of the shows. There was no talk of any other shows for summer season.
One thing I was very interested to hear was that the LSF has about 50,000 left in their coffers. And that the LFUCG folks at the arboretum weren't trying to get rid of LSF.
Much of what was talked about as to why LSF shut down was not entirely true.
Hell, or even clearly in the first place.
I posted what I did before I even read what was going on at the other site...
I think it's all interesting, but as you yourself said, it's all rumor at this point.
damn and blast!!
Yep...good thing too, or my bracket would be KAPUT!
Oh yeah...can I say again...HOW BOUT THEM 'DORES????
...and UK actually looked good last night....impressive win, methinks...methinks KANSAS will now run them out of the building, but I'm hoping for the best.
btw- I was 26-6 in round one (alas, only 1 of my big upsets panned out)
Anyone else?
...make that 2 upsets...also had WInthrop over the Irish...there you go D$ - a little karma your way!
You're missing the point! I don't care about the rumours one way or another. I care about the fact someone used the announcement of the rumours to castigate four different organizations. She accused AGL of first trying to spirit the festival out of town and then trying to take it over when it announced it was closing.
Here's all AGL did. They tried to fill a void and keep Summer Shakespeare alive in the area.
That's it, that's all.
They were above completely above board about it, had open town meetings on it, their proposal was discussed ad nauseam in the newspaper and on the theatre boards. There was no skullduggery. LSF turned AGL down. In the interim, another opportunity appeared AGL took it. According to some people, you've have think they kill Christ!
The initial hostility and vitriol of that woman's first post on Bo's site was unfounded, without merit, and utterly out of line.
That's the crux of the matter...not the rumours one way or the other.
the LSF posts just blow me away, I had no idea there was any discussion going on (who is the Yancy person?)..I hope there is an announcement soon...Adam, I can't believe the money that was left...
anyway, I was 25-5 on my brackets, got all the ones on the right correct and missed 5 on the left..and UK did look good, X!
"They were above completely above board about it, had open town meetings on it, their proposal was discussed ad nauseam in the newspaper and on the theatre boards. There was no skullduggery. 'LSF turned AGL down. In the interim, another opportunity appeared AGL took it. According to some people, you've have think they kill Christ!
The initial hostility and vitriol of that woman's first post on Bo's site was unfounded, without merit, and utterly out of line."
Agreed...I was merely responding to Bond's post as to whether there is gonna be an LSF this summer or not. Nobody's disputing any of what you're saying here, Chuck. All I'm saying is that I don't want to discuss LSF before I know officially what's gonna happen there. That's a seperate issue as far as I'm concerned.
oops..I meant 27-5 (32 total)...
Sound the deathknoll.
So 12 of my sweet 16 are still in , including 7 of my final 8 and all of my final 4.
How YOU doin?
it was a rough day...I only have 8 of my sweet 16 left...but, I have 6 of my final 8 left and all 4 of my final 4...arg
why do my posts have a little bin below them?
Can I say again...
bin gone...strange
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