Tuesday, December 25, 2007
"Hallelujah, Noel..."
Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas celebration. I know it's not "fashionable" for a good liberal such as myself to bestow Christmas wishes on anyone, but to heck with it! It's what I celebrate, and I'm gonna wish you a happy one whether you want it or not! I also have to tell, there is absolutely NOTHING in this world so wonderful as seeing Christmas morning through the eyes of a child. Santa was very generous to the Wolverine this year (not TOO generous, as we're trying to avoid making this time of year completely about "gimmie gimmie") and he has been wide eyed and over the moon all day. Whatever troubles I've been ruminating on have evaporated under the warmth of seeing my son so incredibly joyful. It is indeed a blessing from God.
If you have any glad tidings or thoughts on the new year you'd like to share, feel free. Meantime, here's our topic-
What are you MOST looking forward to in the new year?
Write it down...and Merry Christmas to all, and to all ...a good night!
Friday, December 14, 2007
"They can't stop me..."

Friday, December 07, 2007
"...but all I heard was a drone..."

Friday, November 30, 2007
"...spread your wings to the sky..."

Sigh...those famous people DO always die in threes, don't they?
First Sean Taylor of the Washington Redskins (Tragic home invasion shooting- also looks like there's a break in that case...nice to see the wheels of justice move rapidly every once and awhile...)
Next, Kevin DuBrow- lead screamer of the 80's metal band QUIET RIOT (nobody's talking- sounds like maybe he fell off a wagon or two) and now THIS bombshell!
CLEARWATER, Fla. - Evel Knievel, the red-white-and-blue-spangled motorcycle daredevil whose jumps over crazy obstacles including Greyhound buses, live sharks and Idaho's Snake River Canyon made him an international icon in the 1970s, died Friday. He was 69.
Bummer of a week. DuBrow and Knievel really hit me hard! As a kid growing up in the 70's I, like most kids my age, idolized this guy! I had the action figures (with the cool motorcycle you could rev up and jump over stuff with!) and I spent many a Saturday afternoon constructing ramps to jump over garbage cans with my bike, or bails of hay with my motor cycle. (Somehow, I never so much as even got a skinned knee doing this- talk about a charmed life!)
Then, as a teenager in the 80's I adored QUIET RIOT! A lot of people look at these guys as sort of joke worthy now, but they really kicked open a lot of doors for the hard rock community back in the day. They were the first metal band EVER to have a #1 album, and amongst their early band members was one Randy Rhodes, perhaps one of the finest rock guitarists ever to grace the stage (who died a very tragic death WAY the hell too young!). These guys also were hitting it big around my Junior year of High School, so obviously this was some very seminal music for me.
It truly is a bitch to get older and watch the people you admired in your youth pass away. But such is the circle of life I suppose (cue the ELTON JOHN music and the barf bags!) Perhaps it's also the paternal thing, as the wife is about to give birth in a few weeks... nothing to make you stare your mortality right in the eyes like having a child. Not that that's necessarily a bad thing, mind you...
Oh well- Rest in peace Mr Knievel... tell Kevin and Sean we miss 'em already.
* And just to keep the Q and A going (albeit in a slightly morbid direction)...what loss in the entertainment world has hit you the hardest this year?
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
"I've got another confession to make..."

Wednesday, November 21, 2007
"I see no sense in this crying and grieving"

Wednesday, November 14, 2007
"The Sun is just a morning star"

BCTC , in cooperation with AGL, presents Jerome Lawrence and Robert E Lee's THE NIGHT THOREAU SPENT IN JAIL, Nov 15th - 17th at the DAC. Showtimes are at 8pm each night.
Tickets are $5 for students , $10 for GA. For more info, call the DAC box office.
Love to see you all out there. It's a great little show we have in store for you.
Now, if you'll excuse me , I have 1000 things left to do and a sick toddler...
Friday, November 09, 2007
" 84-68!!!!"
Thursday, November 08, 2007
"Look for...the union label..."

Variety reports that CBS is contemplating the first-ever spring edition of “Big Brother” – possibly a celebrity edition – to launch in March should the strike prove lengthy. The highly rated “Brother” is a particularly potent network weapon as it affordably provides CBS three hours of new primetime programming weekly. "
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
"Only love...can bring the rain..."

at left, SPIKE illustrates my feelings for the majority of the 08 presidential candidates.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
"...the undiscovered country..."
Just a quick note to remind you all to get out and see AGL's HAMLET at the DAC, running through Nov. 11th. There is a free show tonight (Thursday the 18th- you need to call the DAC box office for reservations) and a PAY WHAT YOU CAN on Sunday. So a couple of good opportunities to see it for next to nothing ( or nothing at all). Lots of board posters involved (Rick, Chuck, Adam, Laurie, etc)
Feel free to wish Ric and the gang a hearty BREAK A LEG, or leave us a stellar, glowing review on the boards...
Monday, October 08, 2007
"I wasn't born for love..."
For those of you who are Ituned- inclined...shuffle your IPOD / I tunes account and tell me the first ten songs that come up!
Here's Mine:
1) Born to Raise Hell- Cheap Trick (That's the lyric above, btw)
2) Heavy- Train
3) Can't Stop Lovin' you- Van Halen (Hagar)
4) Oye Mamacita- Los Lonely Boys
5) The Best of Times- STYX
6) I'll Wait- Van Halen (Roth)
7) What's on your mind?- Ace Frehley
8) Homecoming- Robert Randolph and the Family Band
9) Missing You - Rod Stewart (There's that ROD album again Mikey!)
10) Thank You- John Mellancamp
There you have it! What are YOU listening to???
PS- Fletch- you can list the first ten songs that come up on your satellite radio station!
More serious conversation at later in the week....
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
"I'm gonna watch you shine..."

So...the jury is in, and this little boy is about to have... (drum roll please!)...
Yep, the wife and I went to get the ultrasound today, and there she was- big as life. My daughter! It's amazing what these things can do. I actually have a picture of her little face! As per usual, it brought a tear to my eye. However that was short lived. as the Wolverine was in the room with us and demanded his usual amount of attention. It's gonna be an interesting ride, but one I wouldn't trade for all the tea pots in China.
The coolest thing happened as we were leaving the Doctor's office. The boy looked up at me and said "You're gonna have to take care of your baby sister!" (which for some reason he pronounces "SES-stir, as though he were an extra in an episode of THE HIGH CHAPARRAL) It just made me hyper aware of how grown up he's getting, and more to the point, how fast life really comes at you. Before I know it, he'll be off to college and I'll be an old bastard. But, such is the cycle of life.
Even though we waited, and even though it makes for a very sleep deprived existence, and even though I may never have the money to travel anywhere above the Mason Dixon line till I'm old and gray (er), I'm so thrilled that this beautiful boy is a part of my life... and I can't wait for you all to meet my daughter...heck, I can't wait to meet her myself!
Feel free to shower me with all due congratulations...
Friday, September 21, 2007
My students ROCK!!!

Thursday, September 06, 2007
Sad news...

Luciano Pavarotti, whose vibrant high C's and ebullient showmanship made him the most beloved and celebrated tenor since Caruso and one of the few opera singers to win crossover fame as a popular superstar, died Thursday. He was 71.
His manager, Terri Robson, told the AP in an e-mailed statement that Pavarotti died at his home in Modena, Italy, at 5 a.m. local time. Pavarotti had been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer last year and underwent further treatment in August.
"The Maestro fought a long, tough battle against the pancreatic cancer which eventually took his life. In fitting with the approach that characterised his life and work, he remained positive until finally succumbing to the last stages of his illness," the statement said.
Speaking from inside Pavarotti's home, which was guarded by police, Pavarotti's assistant Edwin Tinoco told Sky TG 24 television that Pavarotti's final days had been calm and spent at home.
For serious fans, the unforced beauty and thrilling urgency of Pavarotti's voice made him the ideal interpreter of the Italian lyric repertory, especially in the 1960s and '70s when he first achieved stardom. For millions more, his charismatic performances of standards like "Nessun Dorma" from Puccini's "Turandot" came to represent what opera is all about.
In fact, "Nessun Dorma" was Pavarotti's last performance, sung at at the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympics in Turin, Italy, in February 2006. His last full-scale concert was at Taipei in December 2005, and his farewell to opera was in Puccini's "Tosca" at New York's Metropolitan in March 2004.
It was the second monumental loss in the opera world in recent months. American soprano Beverly Sills, whose widespread popularity mirrored Pavarotti's, died July 2 at her home in New York. She was 78 and suffered from cancer.
Instantly recognizable from his charcoal black beard and tuxedo-busting girth, Pavarotti radiated an intangible magic that helped him win hearts in a way Placido Domingo and Jose Carreras - his partners in the "Three Tenors" concerts - never quite could.
"I always admired the God-given glory of his voice - that unmistakable special timbre from the bottom up to the very top of the tenor range," Domingo said in a statement from Los Angeles.
"I also loved his wonderful sense of humor and on several occasions of our concerts with Jose Carreras - the so-called Three Tenors concerts - we had trouble remembering that we were giving a concert before a paying audience, because we had so much fun between ourselves," he said.
Pavarotti, who seemed equally at ease singing with soprano Joan Sutherland as with the Spice Girls, scoffed at accusations that he was sacrificing his art in favor of commercialism.
"The word commercial is exactly what we want," he said, after appearing in the widely publicized "Three Tenors" concerts. "We've reached 1.5 billion people with opera. If you want to use the word commercial, or something more derogatory, we don't care. Use whatever you want."
Good for you , Luciano. The world will indeed miss you. On the OTHER hand...
...Rock and roll singers alive and kicking ass!

and how about RONNIE JAMES DIO lead singer of HEAVEN AND HELL (or as I like to call 'em BLACK SABBATH) from a recent solo NY gig:
This man is SIXTY if he's a day folks! And Nat's hubby Ryan said the funniest thing I've heard in awhile the other day. He said watching Dio throw the "Heavy Metal Horns" was kind of like watching John Hancock sign his name! Good stuff, Ryan!
And then there's MY personal fave, 58 year old...
BROOOOOOCCCEEEE!!!!!!!!!! That song smokes.Talk about some "stuff left in the basement"! Pure, guitar driven rock and roll!
While I wound never equate these fellows with the sheer brilliance that was Pavarotti, and it's a totally different genre of music, it's kind of comforting to remind oneself that there's still plenty of greatness out there to be had...and that our old friends are still kicking it!
Sunday, September 02, 2007
"I've seen a million faces, and I've rocked them all..."

Monday, August 20, 2007
"Working your fingers right down to the bone..."
So lot's happening.
There is something kind of cool about this time of year (well, except the WEATHER!) . I always get a sense of that "new school year" feeling that was so pervasive back in the day. That sense of excitement mixed with utter dread. Oy! And we thought things were SOOOO difficult and challenging and that life was so complex, didn't we?Bah humbug! If only we knew what was to come....
So everyone have a good week and enjoy the beginning of a "new year" as it were. And while you're at it, drop me a post about this topic: which "start of a new school year" stands out in your memory the most and why?
Let er' rip...I'll try to post more often, but if I'm a bit lax, it don't mean I don't love all of ya's! I'm just my usual worker bee self...and then some!
Saturday, August 11, 2007
"The dogs on Main street howl, cause they understand..."
It's times like these that the Boss's lyric (from above) really hits home to me. Things ARE nutty right now. Not just for me, but the wife too. She's planing a HS reunion (to take place in West Tennessee, no less. These things are no fun, especially long distance) and ...oh by the way... she's pregnant too! There's also a ton of other crapola that I won;t bore you with in blog-land. Suffice it to say that if those dogs DO get it, I feel for 'em!
Anyhoo- enough about me. Here's a nice, non-taxing question for your posting pleasure. What are you top five favorite song lyrics of ALL TIME????
Easy one, no? Lemmee hear ya...
Thursday, August 02, 2007
"Sing for your very right to live..."
I've been away from the blog a bit lately, and I feel like I'm ignoring the old girl, so here's a big grab-bag of stuff!
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
"People say I'm no good, crazy as a loon..."

act". Check out their website for some really funny shite! (Some of you will especially love the "Ray Stevens/Rick Rubin mockumentary!) http://www.travisandjonathan.com/
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Come see WORKING!!!!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007
"See that building..."

Working, the Muscial is presented through special arrangement with Music Theatre International (MTI).
Production Dates
July 12-15, 20-22, 27-29 and August 3-5, 2007 -->
Opening, Friday, and Saturday night performances begin at 8:00 pm.
Sunday matinee performances begin at 2:30 pm.
Ticket Prices
All performances
For reservations please call (859) 225-0370
YA'LL COME!!!!!!
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
"...one needs a huggin' Lord one's on the way..."
Friday, June 29, 2007
"What would you change if you could..."

Sunday, June 24, 2007
"God what a mess..."

Friday, June 15, 2007
"And where do we go from here..."
Sunday, June 10, 2007
"We only danced for a minute or two..."

Wednesday, June 06, 2007
"We all find a place to start over again..." Pt Deux

Sunday, June 03, 2007
"We all find a place to start over again..."

I was one of the privileged few to attend the Jason and the Scorchers reunion show at the Exit In in Nash-vegas, or as I like to call it, the Mother Land. And this wasn't just the reunion of the old lineup, it was a special night. Drummer Perry Baggs (pictured above) has been waging a brave fight against kidney failure and diabetes. His medical bills have been mounting, so in order to help defray these costs, a number of small benefits around the region were planned. The Scorchers show sold out in roughly half a day. Luckily, my brother had the foresight to call and get us all tickets 5 minutes after getting the email about the show from me. I feel privileged not only because the Scorchers are one of my favorite bands (and one of the handful of truly inspiring live rock and roll acts EVER) and not only because I was able, in a small way, to help Perry pay his bills, but I feel that I was part of a truly remarkable event last night. This was no ordinary rock show, nor even an ordinary Scorchers show (which is ANYTHING but ordinary in and of itself). No, something else happened. It was one of those times when I felt that there is indeed some good and light in the world. Everyone in that room was there to help a man in dire straits, not just in a financial way, but in what I believe was a spiritual way. At least ten times though out the evening the audience loudly chanted, not the BAND'S name, but the name PERRY! There was a constant showering of love, goodwill and appreciation for all his years of fine work. I wish you all could've been there to witness the effect it had on this man. The look on his face of absolute bliss and humility and thanks and love upon hearing the crowds reaction to what may well have been his last entrance to the stage was something to behold. In this horribly superficial world we live in, it was a moment of genuine depth, and it moved me in a way that I shall never forget.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Friday, May 25, 2007
"Kickin' ass on the wild side "

Tuesday, May 22, 2007
"And I hope when I get old I don't sit around thinking about it"
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
"...the guns shot above our heads..."

Wednesday, May 09, 2007
The Kentucky Theatre Association, Kentucky 's leading theatre organization - serving theatre at all levels - is seeking its first Executive Director.
Description - The Executive Director will work with Board of Directors to fulfill the mission of The Kentucky Theatre Association. Duties will include but are not limited to the organization and administration of the annual Kentucky Theatre Association Festival, web-site maintenance, fundraising, special programming administration, and the development and implementation of public relations programs to increase KTA membership.
The Executive Director may work from any location in or in close proximity to the Commonwealth of Kentucky but must be willing to travel to various locations for regular board meetings, committee meetings and organizational events.
Minimum of a Bachelors Degree in Arts Administration, Business or Theatre, or equivalent experience in the field is required.
This is a 1099/independent contractor position. Salary: $600.00 monthly plus compensation for travel. Hire date: Summer 2007 (Negotiable) thru December 15, 2007.
Qualifications - The candidate must be computer literate, possess strong organizational and communications skills, have knowledge of fund raising and grant writing, and have an interest in, if not a strong knowledge of, the theatre. Previous experience working for non-profits is a plus.
The candidate must be able to devote on average 40 hours/month. The fall months leading up to the November conference will demand a greater time commitment
Application - Qualified individuals should submit a letter of application, a resume, and names and contact information for three references via email to kytheatreassoc@qx.net. For additional information, please visit our website at http://www.theatreky.org. Application deadline: May 31, 2007.
Post any questions you have, or give me an email shout!
Saturday, May 05, 2007
"Heaven knows...I'm in head over heels and it shows..."

Wednesday, May 02, 2007
"We sailed across the air before we learned to fly..."
Friday, April 27, 2007

"Bakery-fresh. Thought-provoking. Sexy-hot."
Scott Stinson is now working for Trustmark National Bank's Training Department in Jackson, MS.
Check out Wendy O.'s Yoga website! www.divinesparkyoga.com
Bart Noggle is currently in a production at the Dallas Hub Theatre of "Top Gun, the Musical" playing the role of Iceman. After that closes he will be playing Oberon from Midsummer.
Check out Chris Walrath's myspace page! http://www.myspace.com/capatolaprods
Canady (Vance) Thomas gave birth to little girl Klein Addison Thomas just last week. Congrats!
FROM JOHNNY MOORE..............................
Hello Divas,My movie "Glorious Mail" that I co-wrote and directed will be screening this Sunday in Birmingham, AL at the BirminghamSHOUT! GAy + Lesbian Film Festival at the WorkPlay Soundstage at 5:00 P.M. Please let anyone you know in that area about the screening. It's a very funny movie and we won 2nd Best Feature last weekend at the 2007 Appalachian Film Festival in Huntington, WV and we hope to have a big turn out for our Gay festival premiere this weekend. Birmingham is billing it as a World Premiere, even though it is not, technically -- They don't know yet that we had sex with a straight festival last weekend... it's a long story and I will blog about it later. Also, check out the link below for my first interview about the movie with the local film critic in Huntingon. Hope y'all have a divalicious weekend and hope to see some of you at the screening!!http://www.huntingtonnews.net/local/070423-rutheford-box.html
FROM FREDDIE.............................
I am participating in a panel discussion on Sunday, April 29 at City Theatre of Pittsburgh. The panel is called "State of Play" and it is about the state of new play development in the American theatre. Other panelists include Diane Rodriguez (Mark Taper Forum), Tracy Brigden (A.D. of City Theatre), Seth Gordon (Cleveland Play House), Ted Pappas (A.D. of Pittsburgh Public Theatre), Howard Shalwitz (A.D. of Woolly Mammoth Theatre). I am also in rehearsals for Camelot at the Aurora Theatre, which will be the inaugural production in their new space and will direct a concert version of Oklahoma there this summer. In August, I break away from Golden Age musicals to direct Dark Play or Stories for Boys at Actor's Express.
The Fantasticks directed by Daryl W. Phillipy and Set Design by D. David Murphy opened on April 24 and closed April 26. This is Daryl’s last production at Southern Arkansas University. Daryl will be heading to New York City this June to participate in The Teachers Development Program at The Actor’s Center.
Daryl says,
" I will be studying with nationally and internationally known artists and teachers:
Christopher Bayes, Head of Physical Acting, Yale School of Drama
Slava Dolgachev, Artistic Director, New Theatre of Moscow
William Esper, Director of Actor Training, Rutgers University
J. Michael Miller, Founder, Tisch School of the Arts
Ron Van Lieu, Chair of the Acting Program, Yale School of Drama
This is a two week marathon-immersion acting class experience. I also recently completed a weekend intensive with Shakespeare & Company. I’m also looking forward to moving to Rock Hill, SC and buying a house. I start at Winthrop University in August."
FROM HEATHER ROEBUCK......................................
Here's an update on the film, Change 29, that I worked on.We've finished shooting the film and we are now in post. We shot about 600 hours in 5 days, with 3 cameras running almost all the time. We filmed mostly at the Gulfport Dragway on a very busy race weekend. It was totally crazy. I drove down the day before shooting the first weekend thinking I would be the production manager and running a camera when needed but ended up being the emergency assistant director due to the fact the original AD was stuck in Atlanta. Kinda funny when you think about it since I hadn't read the script and totally sucked at directing when I took George's class. In fact, I ended up working as the AD, a camera operator, the production manager, a grip, a boom operator, oh, and an actor. I had two whole lines! Can't wait to see how that turned out. Or if he keeps it in the film. I did a few other things but who knows if I will be billed for them. I don't care either way. We were under a lot of time restraints but we pulled it off. Shawn, the director is in the process of editing and looking for music for the soundtrack. Change 29 is slated to be released in November 2007, but may be later if we are accepted into Sundance. So cross your fingers for us. I created a small, quick video with some behind the scenes footage if anyone is interested in viewing it. And I'm also leaving a link for some pictures that was taken over the 5 days of shooting and the film's myspace page if you want to keep up with what is going on. I will give everyone a heads up on things as I get them. http://www2.blogger.com/http://www2.blogger.com/filmseyehttp://www.myspace.com/genofeveentertainment
In other news...somewhere, right now...Ben Craven is gettin' laid
Sunday, April 22, 2007
"Ain't it funky,now..."

By John Patrick Shanley Directed by Dana Panepinto
Sunday May 13, 8pm
Monday May 14, 8pm
Tuesday May 15, 8pmUnder St. Marks94 St Marks Place (1st and A)
Tix $10 advance/ $15 doorLog on to www.smarttix.com or call (212) 868-4444
A fresh take on Shanley's luminous script using moving bodies and sharp tongues. A riveting look at the "big funk" that is the modern condition. Can the power of compassion and faith triumph over it? Omar throws knives for a living and muses about the state of the world. His understanding wife, Fifi, suddenly pregnant with twins, acts as a rudder for him, and often for his friend, Austin, an out of work actor, who believes the world would be a better place if everyone would do something, even one small act of kindness. He follows his own advice when he comes upon Jill, a young woman sitting in a bar...covered with grease.
featuringColleen Britt Deanna McGovern Ellen Hauck Michael Schantz Toby Knops Jesse Soursourian
The Director of this piece (Dana Panepinto) is one of my fave gals from my Grad school days at USM. She's a tremendously talented, delicious DIVA and if any of you are in the NYC area, or know someone who is, tell 'em to check this out. Wish I could be there, Dana!
Sooo...based on the title of said Shanley piece, what exactly IS the "Big Funk" we're living in now, and what has contributed to it? Go nuts, people!
Sunday, April 15, 2007
John Jor...uhh...I mean JANE MARTIN show premieres @ AGL!

(Pictured from Left- Former BOONIE Hayley Williams, and Lara "Sweet Brier" St. Peter in AGL's ANTON IN SHOW BUSINESS)
HEY YA'LL! This week ANTON IS SHOW BUSINESS opens at AGL here in Lex-vegas. Do yourself a favor and go see it! Not ONLY is it directed by Cinncinatti Shakes' AD Brian Issac Phillips, and not ONLY does it have a stellar cast featuring some of the finest actresses here in the bluegrass, BUT it's a JANE MARTIN piece. Anyone who knows Tim X at all knows of my affinity for "Ms" Martin's works. One of my all time favorite shows, KEELY AND DU, was one of the most talked about shows of the 90's. It is also the first show I had the pleasure of directing my wife in (as Keely) and she was fan-damn-tastic! That was one of the most intimate, special pieces I've ever worked on, and it culminated with people litterally weeping in the audience...NOT crying, not sobbing but WEEPING! It was, as Mr Sartin in fond of saying, "Pure Magic!". I've also directed "Ms" Martin's VITAL SIGNS (not as good as his first all female monologue fest TALKING WITH, but pretty close) and the play I consider to be the funniest thing I've ever read MIDDLE AGED WHITE GUYS. I am desperate to direct this in Lexington when I get the chance and find the right venue...but it is, without a doubt, one of the wackiest, yet most touching pieces you'll ever see. I've been trying to get Rick to do it for years, but he won't bite. (Hell, dude, it takes place on a BASEBALL FIELD for God's sake! What more do you need????:) But I digress...
So get out and go see this wonderful ensemble piece with it's cutting edge humor, first rate production staff, and delightful cast...here's the details:
Presented by: Actors Guild of Lexington
When: Preview performances at 7:30 p.m. April 18 and 19. The show opens April 20 and runs through May 13. Showtimes are 8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays and 2 p.m. Sundays.
Where: Downtown Arts Center, 214 E. Main St.Tickets: Regular performances: $24 general admission; $18 ages 65 and older; $15 students. April 19 preview is $20 general admission; $14 ages 65 and older, $12 students. April 18 and 22 are pay-what-you-can performances.
Phone: (859) 225-0370. Online: www.actorsguildof lexington.com
Sooo...question for today is: What is the FUNNIEST play you've ever read/seen/been involved with?
Friday, April 13, 2007
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
"This is my story..."
Join Bluegrass Community and Technical College
in partnership with Actor’s Guild of Lexington as it makes its
Theatrical début with the Kentucky premier of Laddy Sartin's BLESSED ASSURANCE.
April 4th and 5th at 8:00 PM in the Downtown Arts Center, Lexington.
Tickets: 859-225-0370
BCTC students, faculty, and staff- $4.00
General Public- $10.00
A reception for playwright Laddy Sartin will be held Thursday, April 5th at
7:00 PM in the reception area of the Downtown Arts Center.
It would mean a great deal to me if one and all could come this new endeavor. We have put a lot of work into getting this baby off the ground, and we really need support. The idea behind this Theatre program is to not only serve the BCTC student popualation, but to serve as another perfoming group for the Lexington community. We have big plans afoot, and are really looking forward to a great kickoff with this premiere production. A special thanks to the folks at AGL and Lexarts for all their help and support.
So please spread the word and come check out what we've got in store for you. We have a great cast and a dynamite production crew. I think you'll be glad you did!
...feel free to use up valuable bandwidth with well wishes and good karma!
...and 1,000 points for the obvious reference (unless you're a heathen!)
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
"Take me away...I don't mind..."

Wednesday, March 14, 2007
"Come on sister have yourself a ball"
Sunday, March 04, 2007
"But I got to missin' your Mama..."